Tag Archive for: Nashville

Relationships Feature MEME


Imagine that you’re going out on a first date. This person is someone that you’re excited to get to know better but for some reason, you’re feeling excruciatingly nervous. You meet up with the date Relationships Nervousand the night is a disaster.


Maybe you were the date and the other person was nervous, which made you nervous.



Have you been there?


Why does that happen?


Answer: Nonverbal communication.


Relationships Cave Man


As a species, we have been communicating nonverbally for thousands of years before we developed language.





Therefore, we are far better at receiving and understanding nonverbal communication than verbal communication.


Arguably, the percentages are different depending on what you read, but the consensus points to the fact that when any message is received, the majority of the information transmitted was nonverbal.


Relationships Cat MEME

 How you say it and what your body does while you say it is far more important than what you say.


There is an art to the nonverbal performance aspects of an artist. What are you doing when you’re singing? How does your body language communicate to the audience when it’s time to clap or if they should wait out a pregnant pause?


See how important it is?


It’s the difference between a green artist and a pro in every situation imaginable.


Relationships Upset Man MEME



As humans, we pre-frame people prior to meeting them all the time. Our brains are designed to conserve energy thus; we won’t spend too much time studying before we naturally fill in the blanks on someone filtering the data through our own emotional experiences.





We all have vastly different emotional experiences.


Plain English: You’re always being judged.


Here’s another good point to remember, I’m generalizing but our first impressions typically don’t happen when we decide to make them.


Relationships Introduction MEMEAnother way to think about it is that a first impression is DIFFERENT than an introduction. Rarely do these two separate events happen simultaneously.


Why should you care?


Answer:  Because your job as an artist is to communicate. Your job as a marketer of your art is also to communicate.


Understanding exactly how messages are received is an invaluable exercise for your artistic creativity, live performances, marketability, team building skills, networking, etc.


Relationships Introvert MEME


Right now, some of you are cringing because you’re thinking, “But, I’m an introvert and I suck at relationships.”


I’ve got news for you. You don’t suck at relationships.


By the way, an introvert’s reaction to this idea is completely understandable, isn’t it? They don’t view themselves as the gregarious, huge-personality-type sales person who is a killer networker.


In fact, many introverts may be a bit envious of the extroverts who seem to effortlessly create relationships.


Relationships Big Personality



Some introverts may even view this lack of outward personality as a detriment to their artist career.




The fact is that introverts and extroverts all have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to creating and maintaining relationships. One is not necessarily better than the other.


What makes one PERSON better at creating relationships than another person is self-awareness.


Identifying your strengths and weaknesses is quite empowering.


Relationships Schmoozing




While extroverts are good at creating many relationships, they’re often not necessarily good relationships or deep relationships.





Statistically, introverts are better at creating more meaningful relationships.


Maybe you feel shy and weird about schmoozing or “working the room” after a show, but when introverts are ready to create and maintain relationships they think deeply, they observe people well.


When faced with the thought of hustling or schmoozing, many introverts think, “I’m too shy, I could never do this.”


False! You CAN do this; you just haven’t learned how.


Relationships Social Media

This information is HUGE for industry events, after show hustling, AND SOCIAL MEDIA!



Often, before you “meet” someone on social media they’ve already scoured your Instagram account. They’ve already created an opinion on you as an artist.


If you’re aware of this dynamic, you can attempt to control the outcome as much as possible.


Themed accounts are pleasurable to viewers. Many of my client’s accounts are themed, albeit some more than others.


Relationships John Kern



@JohnKernMusic is themed black & white. He looks so cool in black and white (he’s extremely marketable in color but there’s a retro vibe that transmits via b&w with John).




@patience.reich has an account that is themed with the many amazing facets of her personality and work efforts. Patience is a black, female jazz singer (working on a pop record), MD (physician of Internal Medicine), true humanitarian (closing her practice every year for weeks or months at a time to travel and give medical care to children in impoverished countries), a marathon runner, a devout Christian, oh, and she loves cats.


Relationships Patience Reich

Do you see how a visual or contextual “thread” of sorts is extremely helpful to creating fans on your social media accounts?



Images are extremely important here, especially on Instagram. All serious artists need professional pictures taken.


Relationships Orleans Album Cover

These photos need to be shot by a professional ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER as opposed to your girlfriend’s, dogwalker’s, first cousin’s boyfriend who has a cool camera and knows how to focus the lens.






Get it?


Relationships Bad Band Photo

It’s all about the photographer’s eye, not the camera.





You must also heavily weigh the common creative tasks this photographer’s eye must complete on a day to day basis.


All too often I see artists whose images were shot by amazing wedding photographers and they look like that: wedding photos. Just because they’re a wedding photographer doesn’t mean they can’t shoot artists well (Alysse Gafkjen in Nashville is an incredibly talented exception to this rule) but usually, they’re thinking wedding and not selling the artist.


Relationships Band Band Photo 2

Spend the money. It’s going to be your first impression.



Guess what else the masses are going to formulate their first impression with an artist on.


Answer:  Engagement.


You’d be AMAZED at how many people will line up behind you as an artist simply because you took a little time to respond them and were smart enough to ask a question about THEM.


Hardly any artists do it.


I’m constantly pushing my artists to engage more with the people who take the time to say something about a killer post we put up.


Relationships Value ArtistAs an artist, if you want to build a real, solid, loyal following, you’re going to have to love them first.




You must be vulnerable first.


Artists who have multitudes of real online relationships are far more valuable than artists who don’t.


More valuable to the record labels, managers, booking agents, lawyers, PR companies, brand partners, etc.


Relationships Leverage MEMERelationships are how an artist creates LEVERAGE in the music business.



Y’all tell me you want managers, better bookings, a record deal, better players in your band, and more opportunities but you don’t work at the task that will deliver all these gifts.


It’s not going to be about your music at first, it’s going to be about you.


Once you forge a remarkable first impression and engage deepening the relationships, you’ll begin to grow a following.


Relationships ScaleThey’ll love you and begin to identify with your music.


A moderately talented artist with a loyal following is far more valuable and therefore will be far more successful than a hugely talented artist with no audience to perform to.


When was the last time you heard a song on the radio and thought, “My music is way better than that piece of crap”?


That artist on the radio knows something you don’t.


Or didn’t up until now.


Relationships I Want You To Win



I want you to win.













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“I’m not some great philosopher. This is simple shit. ONE AT BAT. THIS IS IT. YOU’RE GOING TO DIE. Like, I don’t understand…here’s what I don’t understand. I want to talk about complaining. I want to talk about complaining. If you are making your own bed you have to sleep in it and you need to shut your fucking mouth. You’re more than welcome…I’ve met hundreds of people who left their jobs, making good money when they had college debt 18% compounded interest because they need their mental health to be happy. They were willing to take a step back, and in a 7-year period, THEY WON! Because happiness drives everything. You collectively aren’t patient enough. Your lack of patience is killing you. Your need of things is killing you. I don’t need a fucking watch. I don’t need a fucking whip. I need to be happy. One fucking at bat.” – Gary  Vaynerchuk



You’re not taking enough responsibility for your happiness.



Which means you’re not taking enough responsibility for your artistry.



There’s nothing wrong with that unless you’re frustrated with your life.


If you’re reading this, you are blessed to be in a country where you are allowed to read this and fortunate to own a computer or a smartphone to read it with.



All you complaining 99 percenters, 50% of this planet, over 3.5 billion people live on less than $2 per day. If you’re at the bottom of the 99%, meaning you’re earning the least amount of all the 99%, you’re actually in the 1% (probably the people you love to hate) when compared to the rest of the world.


I say this because I want you to stop complaining right now and be grateful.





If your parents had sex 3 minutes later or 3 minutes prior, you wouldn’t be here.



So be grateful out of millions of sperm, YOU won the lottery and became a human.


That fact alone is simply ASTONISHING.


Be grateful that God gave you an artistic gift to share with the world.




Be grateful that your frustrated because you’re struggling to get paid for that gift rather than struggling to find food, or struggling to turn a pair of 2-liter soda bottles into a pair of shoes.


Wow, that’s a LOT of gratitude.



Now, you have all this time, what are you doing with it?


What exactly are you doing to take the next best step towards pursuing your happiness?



What Gary Vee was saying about your own bed is absolutely true.


Stop complaining because I promise you that your status amongst the professional artist community and the consumer’s awareness or lack of awareness of your art is a direct result of the time and attention you’ve put towards it.




I promise if you put the time in, I mean REALLY put the time in, you’ll win.




I promise that if you commit to being a student of the game, meaning that you stop complaining, passing blame, creating excuses, and start honestly asking questions and looking at ways to improve your situation, you’ll win.




Are you willing to take a step back? Really?


You’re afraid of losing your stuff, your lifestyle. I’m here to tell you everyone is and it isn’t so bad, in fact, it’s rather liberating.



If you aren’t willing, THAT’S OK because you’re a hobby artist or a hobby band, and there NOTHING wrong with that.


What IS WRONG is if you complain that you can’t “Get your deal”, or you can’t “get professional recordings”, or you can’t “find your audience”.  These are tasks that are tackled by professional artists, not hobby artists.


Many bands have done it.


We do it for artists every day here at Daredevil Production.


So when I hear complaints about how it’s because of this reason, or that reason an artist can’t find an audience, get paid, or make great recordings, it makes my hair stand up.





I’ll ask them, what EXACTLY do you think are the issues that are preventing you from tackling these challenges?



You see, to me, this is akin to complaining that you can’t breathe. Yet, there are 7 billion + people on this planet that are breathing.


Why can’t you?


Because you’re complaining and looking for excuses rather than taking any action whatsoever to solve the problem.








If you don’t seriously step up, which may mean stepping back momentarily, to follow your dreams, I promise THAT is the regret you’ll have on your death bed.


It won’t be a regret over something you did.



It’ll ALWAYS be a regret over something you DIDN’T do for whatever reason.




I can testify that money, your house, watches, cars, trips, restaurants, extra musical instruments, the latest recording gear, softball league, basketball league, racquetball league, Golf, your credit score, etc., are completely worthless.


They mean nothing.


You find that out after you lose them.


They don’t define you.


I’ll say that again so READ IT.


These are things that don’t define you.


Your happiness defines you.



That’s what other souls really see. They may be misguided enough at this point on their journey to respond to your money or what they feel security “looks” like, but your true happiness is really what they see.




Or don’t see.





People are going to remember you for the way you made them feel, not because you have a Rolex, a Ferrari, or a vintage ’59 Les Paul.


When you’re really happy because you’re doing what you were born to do, you can’t help but make other people happy.


You become the inspiration all artists aspire to be.


I made decent money in business. I have a talent for that.


I made a LOT of money in the financial industry.  Straight up, my monthly ad budget at one time (with my radio show on in 5 stations in 3 markets) was more than a lot of you, maybe most you, make in a year. 3 month’s ad budget would safely probably cover the lot of you.


Just the ad budget.



Poof, it all went away in 2008 and IT WAS A BLESSING.


A gift from God.


I lost my house, my wife, my savings, my business, my dignity (briefly), and for about a year, my direction.


The loss of direction was the scariest part. Never had that happen. Faith is all you have at that point, that’s what gets you through.



When I moved back to Nashville from Los Angeles, I had nothing. I literally went from requiring 2 trips in a 24-foot U-Haul truck to move into my new house in 2004 to 1 10-foot box truck to move out to Nashville.




I’m STILL getting rid of crap.



Lots of old energy.


I hocked all my prized guitars and amplifiers including a ’68 Gibson Country & Western acoustic guitar, and a 1st year Peavy EVH 5150 guitar head (ugh), a ’68 Marshall 4×12 cabinet with vintage 25 watt greenbacks, a killer 60’s re-issue Vox AC-30, and rare mid ‘80’s Sunburst Gibson ES-335 (these are just the sexiest items) to keep this company going in the beginning.


This is called taking a step back.



I believed in what I was doing.






I had months where I didn’t know how I was going to come up with the $80 I needed to renew my tag on my auto license.



I was thinking, “I’m too old for this shit.”




I worked Uber after hours for 18 months to pay the bills while the company grew. That would be Friday night from 6pm-3am. Saturday night from 6pm-3am. Then I’d crash for 2 hours and work the Sunday morning airport runs from 6am-12pm.






I was definitely growing Daredevil Production at a pretty nice trajectory percentage-wise but when you start at $0.00 it takes a while for those percentages to turn into an amount of money that can pay your bills.



I took the step back.






I promised myself that I would go HARD TO THE PAINT for 5 years and after 5 years if I looked back and felt it was a waste of time or I misjudged the target somehow (which was my mistake in the financial business) then I’d go sell insurance and make a million dollars.



I could pretty easily do that. I have that skill set.


Music was my passion, though.



Cracking the code to connecting artists and fans and then MONETIZING those fans without using radio, was and still is the sexiest challenge in the world to me.



We’ve done it. We’re ramping up the traffic volumes now.






Gary Vee was right in that opening quote when he mentioned the 7-year time frame.


This November 5th will mark my 5-year anniversary of being back in Nashville. To be fair it’s probably been a solid 3 years since I really started focusing on the marketing side of Daredevil Production.



The trajectory continues and if next year grows like this year, BOOM!


That 7-year mark no matter where you want to start the timeline will be a biggie.


I’m telling you this because there is no greater feeling than winning at what you LOVE to do and what you were BORN to do.


I want you to win.


I don’t want you to live the dichotomy.


Stop complaining, start working, and taking responsibility for your own happiness.











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Get Paid As An Artist feature MEME

How do you get paid to live an artist’s life?

Get Paid As An Artist Tim Ferris RESIZED


Artists ask me this question all the time. The answer is there are endless ways to get paid for your art.


Most artists don’t see the answers or fail to ask the right questions because they are imprisoned by the limiting beliefs that we ALL struggle with.


I was GREATLY inspired by THIS PODCAST where Seth Godin was answering questions during a Tim Ferris interview.


Every person on this planet suffers from their own limiting beliefs in some way.


Get Paid As An Artist Chain Suffer MEME

Artists are DEFINITELY included in this lot.




Most are not self-aware of their limiting beliefs and suffer greatly throughout their crappy life.


Some are marginally self-aware and work a little to overcome these limiting beliefs and suffer less.


The people we admire most in society, you know, the ones who don’t seem to be hindered by any mental blocks or speed bumps, yeah, they suffer too but they interpret it differently.


That’s the secret.

Get Paid As An Artist Fear

People like Seth Godin, your favorite artists, world leaders, astounding family members, etc. STILL HAVE LIMITING BELIEFS and they battle with them every day.


The difference is the successful run toward the fear and engage it.


Most people avoid the fear.


It’s easier isn’t it?


It’s easier to make the fear become an excuse or deterrent to taking a risk and putting yourself out there.


Here’s the deal, I promise, on some level, we all tend to focus on the winner’s amazing success and forget (or never think about) the fact that they struggle too.


Just like you, they struggle every day.


Get Paid As An Artist Suffer SillhouetteHere’s what happens.


We all LIKE being competent.


We all LIKE being successful.


We all LIKE feeling important and most of us want to feel like we can help others.



However, when something threatens to undo all of these things, it’s easier to avoid it.


When we run away from the fear, a sour mindset enters.



            “We are not getting what we deserve.”

            “The world is not fair”

            “Why should I even bother? It’s probably not going to work”

            “That artist had all this money and knew all those people and I don’t; so I can’t do that.”


Sound familiar?Get Paid As An Artist Sour Mindset


When this sour mindset takes over our psyche, we find ourselves keeping track of the wrong things like:


  • How many times we’ve been rejected
  • How many times it didn’t work
  • All the times someone has broken our heart
  • All the times someone has double-crossed us or let us down


Why keep track of them?


Get Paid As An Artist Why It Won't Work


Are they making us better?





Wouldn’t it make more sense to keep track of all the other stuff?

  • All the times it WORKED
  • All the times we TOOK A RISK
  • All the times we were able write a song that moved somebody
  • All the times our performance had an impact on an audience
  • All the times we reached somebody through our marketing


We can actually redefine ourselves as someone who can make a difference, someone who can IMPACT other people’s lives.


THIS is what artists are supposed to be!Get Paid As An Artist All The Things That Worked


THIS is what artists are supposed to do!


This is truly an energy and skill that most artists possess in some way.


Here is the trick.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s easier said than done but so was the 4-minute mile for thousands of years before someone broke it and then it was absolutely doable for many within months of the record being broken.


You want to be an artist, right?


You want to be original, right?


You want to be a pioneer, right?


Get Paid As An Artist Narrative Choice


It’s all about the narrative.


The narrative is up to you.






If it’s not working (and you KNOW if it’s not working so cut the crap and face the facts!) then why use it?


The narrative isn’t done to you.


The narrative is something you CHOOSE.


Get Paid As An Artist NightmareI have a very dear, very close friend of mine who is now having to deal with the reality of Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder brought on by a nasty 2-year relationship that was emotionally and physically abusive to her.


Nobody should have to go through with this.


It’s not fair.


It’s like some asshole met her, charmed her, and then backed up a massive dump truck full of demons and dropped them on her head without her knowing it ever happened.

Get Paid As An Artist Virus

Maybe it wasn’t a dump truck, that’s too obvious, it was more like an evil Trojan horse with a brain and spirit virus that totally short-circuited her personality, her life experience, the narrative of her life.




Her narrative changed dramatically.


When her narrative changed, so did her life. So did her whole “game”.


She used to roll through life, taking ‘em as they come, now all of a sudden, the subtlest of situations has a bone chilling impact on her.


She reacts in a super negative way.


It’s not fair, but now she has to do a boatload of work on herself to change her narrative.


If we dig deeper, into a different narrative, we change the game.

Get Paid As An Artist Hacked


We can change our game.


We can for the first time, or once again (as in the case of my friend) create abundance, momentum, and happiness in our lives and careers.


It’s all about your perspective and how you interpret what happens.


Those real successful artists that you loved have applied different interpretations to their lives.


Some people are afraid.


Get Paid As An Artist Beautiful or Scary?


Afraid to try, afraid to be vulnerable, afraid to fail, afraid of looking bad, afraid of getting hurt, afraid to really be an artist which is to say they’re afraid to live.




The successful people realize that you must engage fear. You must meet it head on despite the horrific events of your past.


In fact, the more horrific your past, THE MORE YOU MUST ENGAGE THE FEAR!


You know who acted this statement out in living color? Even if you hate sports, you have to admire Brett Favre, former Super Bowl winning QB of the Green Bay Packers.


He was just inducted into the Hall Of Fame this past Saturday.


Defenses in football LOVE to get to the quarterback and HIT HIM as hard as they can but they were largely scared to hit Brett Favre.

Get Paid As An Artist Brett Favre




It was dangerous because he would always control the narrative.




If you hit him, if you planted him in the ground so hard that time stood still, you made the stadium gasp, the coaches cringe, and his teammates scared, it was all over.


For YOU.


He would change the narrative IMMEDIATELY, which changed the momentum, which changed the game. It’s almost like it wasn’t fair.


No matter how much he was really hurting, he would get back up, no, he would POP back up in the face of fear and grab the face-mask of the guy who hit him and start jack-jawing him.


Get Paid As An Artist Angry Cat Failure MEME

“That’s all you got boy?” “That’s ALL you can do? That didn’t even hurt!”


I swear he still couldn’t even see straight half the time but he did it. Mostly for himself.


He would EXPLODE back up in the face of fear and confront it head on.


The result of this action was MOMENTUM.

Get Paid As An Artist No Fear


His teammates, who were for a second scared, were now shaking with adrenalin, reignited, and ready to DOMINATE!


The opposing team, who for a second were triumphant, now had to deal with the reality of awakening a giant.


Get it?


How do you interpret your failures?


If you’re interpreting them incorrectly, I promise you it’s the difference between a success and failure.


Get Paid As An Artist Master Has Failed Quote



It’s the difference between a happy life and a dark life spent regretting.


Simply put, the master has FAILED more times than the beginner has even TRIED.





The only thing you should truly fear is living a crappy life.







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Worth You're Worth it Pad paper

Have you ever met someone and been a little jealous or coveting of their art?  The truth is you are probably envious of their ability to “tap in” to themselves in a manner that you haven’t discovered yet.  They seem to control an instinctive ability to create at a higher level than you at that moment, which makes their art seem more valuable in some way; like it’s worth more.Worth jealous of stupid thinks

I assure you they are not superior to you and “level of  talent” has very little to do with their success.

They don’t possess some unique exceptional magical gift for creation. They have just worked more than you have at that particular moment; that’s what is upsetting.

They’re farther along in their artistic journey than you right now.

Trust me, you are no different than them. We’re all human beings.

Worth Vulnerable


They’re presently more vulnerable than you. At least they’re vulnerable enough artistically, to really feel, and therefore act, as if no matter what the outcome the journey was worth it.


This mindset creates the artistic courage we all find so intriguing, important, and attractive.



The good news is that you can learn to access that creative space too.

It’s not magic, man.


It’s a methodology, a work ethic, a process if you will.

It’s an internal articulation of what your short time on this Earth is supposed to be about coupled with enough crazy curiosity and pioneering passion to plow through, and ultimately survive, the initial learning curve.Worth Learning Curve

Every learning curve comes with humiliating self-conscious trauma (fear).

How do you deal with this inevitable misery?

Is it debilitating to you or is it an annoying speed bump on your journey?

John Lennon and Paul McCartney admittedly sucked at writing songs for “the first 50 or so” and then found their artistic groove together.

That happened after at LEAST 50 crappy songs.

How many have you written?

Worth Beatles Hamburg


Another Beatles fact is they embarked on many residencies in Hamburg, Germany at several clubs where they played 7 days a week, 8 hours a night.


I don’t care who you are, when you play that much you get better.

You get better at being musicians.Worth Get Better image

Your live show gets better.

You become professional.

You become a student of the game.



My version of Hamburg was club tours.  I did it for 7 years of my life. I can tell you a magical “swagger” happens with any act after they string 20 shows back to back.

We see it here in Nashville in the lower Broadway honkytonks.  We have seen many artists transform into consummate professionals in that grind.

Worth Lower Broadway Nashville


We literally have told artists who are about to experience their first month long tour that their lives are going to change forever. When they return from that tour they actually walk differently, carry themselves differently, and behave differently.


It really is a transformation.


They have earned the right to call themselves professionals.

Many of you are making excuses to yourselves right now as to why you can’t do it.

I got news for you, you’re right!

Worth whether you think you can or you can't you're right


Many of you reading this are getting PUMPED UP and motivated to find a way to win because you believe you can do it.

I got news for y’all too, you’re right!


Yes it’s a grind.

A necessary adventure in my opinion, because after going through something like that you really earn your perspective.

Most artists, and I really mean MOST artists don’t and won’t work that hard or that much on their careers. They are crippled with the conflict between life-pragmatism, hater’s voices, an understandable need for ROI (Return On Investment initially involving their time and then their money), and their ultimate dream to be a professional artist.


If the labor is worth the effort you will naturally work harder simply to satisfy an internal sense of wonder, excitement, or curiosity.Worth You are good enough believe it

Here’s the key, the work is only worth the effort if you believe that you’re worth it.




That one stings a little, huh?


Worth Henry Ford Too Many Men are afraid

Henry Ford had an 8th grade education and went bankrupt multiple times, so what?


Abraham Lincoln went bankrupt, so what?


Walt Disney went bankrupt too, so what?


 They believed their mission was worth all the suffering they had to endure along the journey.



Don Quixote believed in his heart and soul that the windmills were enemies.  He also truly believed, as crazy as it sounds, that HE was the man worthy enough to defeat them.


Artistic curiosity coupled with a consistent work ethic creates an atmosphere where artists discover themselves.

The reality is all your favorite artists were not born into this world being amazing artists.

Some of them had an incredible artistic talent, some of them had very mediocre talent. Some of you are thinking there are popular artists that have no talent; to which I say, “All the greater accomplishment”.

ALL of your favorite artists had to work hard at their art to become artists.


They sought and found help because they felt they were worth it.

So should you, and you’re worth it.Worth I was Born for this

They had to develop their lyric writing abilities.

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their melodic sensibilities.

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their vocal control and instrumental prowess.

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their live show.Worth it's not easy but its worth it

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their business acumen.

So do you, and you’re worth it.


So who’s helping you?Worth Mentor Wanted

Worth Whose Helping you

Stay In Tune.



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