Tag Archive for: Michael Jordan


Too many of you seem to naively rely on your musical gift as if that is the end-all-be-all to success.





In fact, many of you seem to be utterly dumbfounded at that lack of attention you receive from the industry solely because of your musical gift (even if you’re delusional about that gift but I digress). You have a nasty habit and it has to go.





Your brilliant talent is worthless unless you understand how to stand out from the crowd in the marketplace, amongst industry professionals, and amongst your peers.



Follow me on this, as always, I have a point.


I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts called The Business of Story with host Park Howell.  In this episode he interviewed habit-business-of-story-logo9-time New York Times Bestselling author and former Associate Editor of Sports Illustrated Magazine, Don Yaeger.  Wow!




Don has written over 25 books and interviewed over 2,500 major sports stars in his career.




There was one question he asked during every interview he ever conducted and Don kept a record of each answer given over that lifetime of interviews.


“If you could name for me a habit or characteristic that you believe separated you from everyone else that you competed against, what would that habit or characteristic be?”




Most artists would answer this question by describing their most compelling gifts or talents. “My voice, my songwriting, my performances, my guitar playing, blah, blah, blah.”






What’s interesting is the most common answer that was given by each of these superstar winners.




Most of these sports heroes DIDN’T talk of their physical gifts at all. Instead, they articulated that they all had a fear of losing that surpassed their joy of winning.





They all at some point in their lives, learned to HATE losing far more than they loved winning.


They expect to win because winning is a direct result of the hard work they consistently put in every day.





Winning is a byproduct of showing up.



They hate losing.





They hate losing because it’s super painful


It’s this painful to them because it’s personal.




It’s personal because they accept 100% of the blame.


They feel responsible for 100% of the outcome of any given situation.




Here’s the nasty habit I mentioned earlier.


If you make excuses, it’s not 100% your fault, is it?


Some of you, and you know who you are, have a nasty habit of constantly shifting the blame away from yourself to ease the pain of losing.


It’s sucks to lose, but if it’s not your fault, it’s not your fault so better luck next time, right?



Maybe the Gods will make it different for me tomorrow.


Your habit is to believe that your life is a consequence of your surroundings rather than a result of the sum of your decisions.






This fact was not surprising to me at all but still SUPER INTERESTING.



You have to stop making excuses when you fail. Period


As long as you make excuses you’ll NEVER own it and failure only hurts when you have no one else to blame.


You’re supposed to be an ARTIST for God’s sake, FEEL THE PAIN!!



It’s good for you.


Don had the opportunity to attend an “old man’s sports camp” with Michael Jordan as one of the mentors.


There was a situation where he was one of a few guys chosen to play one-on-one against Jordan.


Don is quite prideful of the fact that he actually SCORED on Michael Jordan! (who wouldn’t be?)


Michael was pissed.


He hates losing.


This is a mindset people.


Again, I am not trying to beat a dead horse here, but I received so many comments from a previous article where I revealed the secret to getting PAID was your mental mindset.



Many of you dismissed this as mumbo jumbo, probably because you hear it so much it’s almost like words come across sounding like Charlie Brown’s teacher. “Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah,”


Michael Jordan was one of the superstars Don interviewed.


Michael never spoke of his 42” vertical leap; which is astounding.


That’s talent.


In fact, a 42” vertical leap is a God-given talent.


You can’t learn to jump 42 inches. You have it or you don’t.


Why wouldn’t the great Michael Jordan who was 6’6” talk about this amazing gift as the reason he was able to not only succeed, but DOMINATE an entire league of seemingly God-like 6’9” tall ability?






It was the fact that he learned to hate losing so much.


Some people are born with this type of drive.



Some learn it because they grew up dirt poor and never want to return to that state of living again.


Some learn it other ways.


Don’t you find it compelling that out of over 2,500 athletic superstars interviewed, the vast MAJORITY of them described this attribute as the highest contributing factor to their success over their obvious talent?


Doesn’t that ring a bell somewhere in your being?


I see it every single day in our music business.


The big winners have a very wide range of musical ability. Some are very talented, some are not.


ALL the winners hate to lose.



This is a mindset.


This can be learned.



The habit can be dropped like a 3-foot putt.



Your success isn’t dependent on whether you have enough talent to win American Idol or The Voice.


And as you can plainly see, it doesn’t matter if you win American Idol or The Voice with your talent, your career success will be determined by what happens after that.


Lose the habit, gain success. Period


Surround yourself with the right people: this includes your significant other.



If he or she is not adding to your success they’re detracting from it and you’re wasting time.


This means your band. If everyone isn’t on board get rid of them.


This is “show-BUSINESS”, not “show-friends”.


This may sound harsh to you because y’all are friends but here is a little reality check. Imagine bringing your friend into your day job. You vouch for this friend to your boss, the boss agrees, and your friend comes in and doesn’t hold up his or her end of the deal.

How would you feel?


Would you be surprised if your friend got fired?

Would you be the one to fire that friend?


I remember an early gig my band played when we were in high school. We had about 5 minutes before the show was supposed to start and nobody could locate the new drummer.


We all went out into the parking lot and found him.


In his crappy-ass, rusted out, shit-box of a pickup truck.


He was surrounded by a literal SEA of empty beer cans.


I wanted to kill him right then and there!

If I had a lobster fork, I’d a stabbed him in the eye with it.


We did the show, he sucked, and then he was gone. No questions asked. (Who can’t handle the pressure of high school show for crying out loud?) sheesh.


The great UCLA coach John Wooden was quoted as saying, “You’ll NEVER outperform your inner circle.”


Think about that.habit-inner-circle


Then REALLY think about that while you assess your inner circle.


I came from a small town. There are plenty of friends who are still in that small town sitting on the same barstool making the same excuses as to why they can’t succeed.


Many of them are unhappy and it’s not their fault.


Just ask them, they’ll tell you.


There is a diagnosable mental dynamic that happens when your homies bring you down.




I saw a video with Snoop Dogg the other day articulately describing what he called “the gap”.




He held one hand up in a flat horizontal fashion about 2 inches above the other one. Snoop said that in order to be friends and hang the gap has to be small like the 2 inches he was showing. Trouble is when someone starts to rise up, the gap begins to widen. Then there is only one way for the relationship to continue as it has been.


Somehow the gap has to close.


There are only 2 ways for the gap to close. Either the bottom hand has to step up or the top hand has to come down.


Get it?



Are you in the habit of coming down to make your friends more comfortable around you?


Be honest.


Don’t be ashamed of your gifts and certainly don’t you dare believe that your gifts alone are all you need to break out and be successful.


That’s a naïve story most artists love to tell themselves.


You have to be a student of the game.


You have to hate losing.



You have to be mindful of your inner circle.



You have to hate losing so much that you learn everything else like the business, marketing, performance, writing, recording, etc. to stack the deck as much as you can in your favor to give you the best chance of NOT LOSING.




Do that, and you’ll wake up one day making a living doing what you were born to do surrounded by an amazing inner circle.










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Signature Strength Pickle Jar Feature Image

I don’t want you to be delusional about your talent.

Signature Strength Rock Climbing


Henry David Thoreau wrote, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. Resignation is confirmed desperation.”




I believe that everyone has a genius, and most people are busy working on something that has nothing to do with their genius simply to pay the bills and fall in line with societal norms.


There lies the quiet desperation.


I also know that many of you are suffering in your artist careers because you are too busy focusing on the wrong thing. You’re forcing something you think you’re good at while ignoring your real genius.




The lack of results from this approach creates an abyss of frustration and despair that eventually engulfs an artist like The Gorge of Eternal Peril from “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”



I want to touch on the idea that many of you are leading lives of quiet desperation simply because you are delusional about what Tai Lopez calls your “signature strength”.

Signature Strength Gymnastics

Now, don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying that you’re delusional about your ability to make a living as an artist. I’m saying many of you have to identify, evaluate, and build a career on your signature strength so you CAN make a living as an artist.


You must build success on your strengths.


You do what you can to strengthen your weaknesses to be well rounded, but you don’t create the empire on something that is artistically dim.


Signature Strength American Idol Image


The artistic misunderstanding is prevalent in many of the American Idol contestants. They are delusional that their signature strength is vocal prowess, which is what American Idol is ALL ABOUT.


Why do they not see that most of the very judges they seek to impress could not win on this show?


How did some of these judges become hugely popular as artists if they couldn’t win Idol? I mean, if they weren’t AMAZING singers than how did they break through the public awareness?Signature Strength AI Collage



They played to their signature strengths, that’s how.



I’ll give you a couple examples of what I’m talking about.


As many of you already know, I was an artist in the late 80’s and through half of the 90’s. I was in a hair band called Kidd Gypsy. I toured for roughly 7 years of my life making a living recording and playing music.

Signature Strength Kidd Gypsy




Here’s the thing, Kidd Gypsy took TONS of vocal lessons so we could dominate on our harmonies.


We liked big harmonies and we DID dominate.



The vocal lessons were good for me as a front man so I could sing in tune enough to keep the crowd (I always joked that I “clawed my way to middle management in the vocal talent sector). My strength was not in my vocal chops (I really didn’t have any), rather my vocal tone and my ability to perform live and entertain people.Signature_Strength_Kidd_Gypsy


I could sell the lyrics on stage.


I could sell the sex appeal on stage.


Mick Jagger was never going to win any vocalist of the year awards either.


Signature Strength Mick Jagger

Get it?


Let’s go one step further, I also was aware that because of my weakness in the vocal department, the harmonies would bolster the strength and appeal of our band.

All the songs had big vocal harmonies in the choruses which diverted attention from the fact that while I was (usually) singing in tune, the melodies were much more powerful with harmonies arranged around them than they were if I sung them alone.


Harmonies WORKED for us.


Johnny singing alone, didn’t.


Here’s another real truth to drive this point home.Signature Strength Guitar God Collage


The hair band genre was built on guitar Gods; shredders is what they used to call them.


I absolutely LOVE the shredders like Eddie Van Halen, George Lynch, Randy Rhoads, etc.


I always wanted to be a shredder.


I practiced incessantly when I was a kid.


I didn’t have the right hand, man.

Alas, I was never going to be a shredder.


There was a number of years where I lamented the fact that I couldn’t be a shredder.


I was depressed.



Signature Strength Desperatoin Head Between The KneesLiving a life of quiet desperation.


See my point?


I got good enough to where I added musical value to the band and my style of playing actually complimented Darrell’s (our lead guitar player) panache quite nicely.


Once I came to the realization that my signature strength was not going to be shredding on the guitar, the quiet desperation dissipated quickly and gently into the night.

I let it go.Signature Strength Genuine Authentic Self Oprah Quote


What are you lamenting?

Have you considered the possibility that you may be frustrated because you’re focusing on a weakness instead of a strength?


What have people (including strangers) always complimented you on your entire life?


Build on that.


I know for a fact many of you are focused on not focusing when it comes to your “sound” or your genre.

Signature Strength Unfocused


I hear it all the time, “Dear Johnny, I love Reggae, Rock, Pop, R&B, Rap, and Country. I want to do all these genres and don’t want to ignore any of them.” “Can I make a record where each song is a different genre?”


At least not if you want anyone to care about it.


Here’s why.

You really want to attend to your core competency, your signature strength, your real genius, etc.

This approach will ensure you are the most genuine artist you can be by accenting your strength instead of forcing a weakness that you happen to be delusional about.Signature Strength 5 Percent Rule


Abide by the 5% rule.


You want to concentrate on whatever talent you have that would put you in the 95th to 100th percentile in a global competition.


Maybe you are in the top 5% in a globally competitive market when it comes to singing rock but you are not in country, reggae, R&B, etc.


You can’t be THAT good at writing, singing, and performing everything.


Signature Strength Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan, who is maybe the greatest basketball player of all time, thought his supreme athletic ability would translate well into baseball, because he actually loved baseball MORE than basketball (if you can believe that).

He sucked. Forget about the major leagues, he sucked in the minors.


In basketball he is considered a GOD among men.


In baseball, utterly forgettable.


Signature Strength David Lee Roth



David Lee Roth is one of my favorite rock star front men. He KNEW where his bread was buttered; a whiskey vocal tone, HUGE personality, and sex appeal. He’s never tried to pretend he could sing super rangy love ballads, so he was never artistically unfulfilled by pushing himself to do something he didn’t excel at.


Instead, he focused on this strengths. He dominated a live performance, and he kept his vocal licks to a limited blues range (on recordings) and did it with a stylistic flair that was different and cool, man. (The DLR vocal “Howls”, doubled on tape, were like a sex call to all women, SO FREAKIN’ COOL!!). He was, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest front men of all time, definitely in the top 5%.




Tom Petty isn’t going to blow you away with a 6 octave vocal range either. Listen to ANY Tom Petty song, he emphasizes simple, addictive melodies. Nothing too complicated or rhythmically busy (I won’t…baaack…down). He knows his strengths, and crafts his art to accentuate the positive.Signature Strength Tom Petty


What I’m saying is that you have to be honest with yourself and what your real talent is.



If you’re not getting the kind of traction you want, maybe you’re a little delusional.


Are you an artist that should be writing simple Petty-like melodies and you’re trying to be more complicated?


Signature Strength Be Honest MEME


Are you trying to over sing ever line when note choice and delivery are going to make you more important?


Sometimes a simple change is all it takes to generate serious momentum.



In my first pro band, Idols of American Youth, I was a decent guitar player pretending to be a shredder. We were motivated, we were good, and we toured for a year with a front-man that had amazing vocal talent and ZERO personality.


We did ok, but we were forgettable.Signature Strength Gun Show


Once I took over as the front man, catering to my strengths (I was a far better entertainer and songwriter), despite my lack of vocal ability, the world began to take notice.

We got a producer.

We were moved to Florida to be developed

We got management.

We got a booking agent.

We got radio spins.

We got press.

We got label attention.

Not for nothing, all this began happening really quickly once the lineup change was made and I began focusing on what I was REALLY good at.

Signature Strength IMPACT


Musicians could argue my band downgraded the vocal aptitude of the band when I began singing.


They would be right.



However, we upgraded our IMPACT and that changed our lives forever.


I want you to win.

Don’t live a life of quiet desperation.Signature Strength Desperation Cracked Image


Don’t resign yourself to being a second rate artist.


I want y’all to do some real deep thinking with this post.


The new music industry belongs to the genuinely talented.


This means you better know where you excel.


I want you to email me, Tweet me, Facebook me and let me know what is your signature strength?



StayMistake Twitter




PS: If you haven’t already downloaded my free Music Marketing On Twitter book, please enjoy it on me. Go to GiftFromJohnny.com put  in your name and tell us where to send it. It’ll teach you how to get 1,000 new targeted followers every month for just 15 minutes per day.



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Consistency is KEY Feature 2

Consistency GB Packers Logo

If you read our blog enough you know that Kelly and I are huge Green Bay Packer fans.  Fanatical is probably a more accurate statement.  Nothing makes us happier than watching the Packers win over a cocktail and a block of cheese the size of a car battery.  As you can imagine, it’s taken a few days for me to process the NFC Championship game. Consistency killed us, or a lack there of. Consistency Rodgers

If you hate sports stay with me.


We beat ourselves.


Whoa! Think about that one!

We carefully orchestrated our championship loss starting in the first half. Five drives all scoring drives but only one touchdown equals 19 points.  It wasn’t enough to ensure victory in a professional championship game.


We executed but we simply didn’t execute well enough.

There was the Seattle touchdown, where our 15th ranked defense let one through after playing a surprisingly stellar effort up to that point.

Consistency Russel


Then the Seattle 2 point conversion which negated the fact that Aaron Rodgers can finish you with just 1:30 seconds left in the game.  He marched down the field and we settled for 3 more points on the board to tie the game instead of winning the game.


We would have won the game with a touchdown or a defensive thwarting of the Seattle 2 point play.


Those three points wouldn’t have mattered if we scored just one more touchdown out of the 5 scoring drives in the first half.

Those three points wouldn’t have mattered if we scored a touchdown on 40% of the successful drives instead of 20% in first half.

Some people blame Bostick for muffing the onside kick that everyone knew was coming.

Seattle had to execute an onside kick.

Statistically the circumstances that led to the Packer loss were astronomical.

ALL the planets had to align for Seattle and they did.

We shouldn’t have ever been there, btw; in overtime.

One more touchdown out of 5 scoring drives and this whole argument becomes mute.

One defensive play stopping the 2 point conversion and the argument becomes mute.planet3

We should’ve never been in overtime to lose the coin toss.

Many people disagree with my viewpoint on sudden death to end a football game.

I believe in sudden death.

Consistency Sudden DeathWho cares about the coin toss or one more chance for either team?


Bottom line, sudden death means the professionals on both sides DIDN’T GET THEIR JOB DONE.

The fact is WE aligned those planets that resulted in Seattle’s good fortune.

It was the absence of consistency on Green Bay’s offense (an offense that has scored over 50 points in back to back games which is astounding in professional football) that set the stage for the heartbreaking loss.

We beat ourselves.Consistency Derek Jeter Quote

No one else to blame.

You see, happiness and success in your romantic relationships, your family life, and your career are defined by consistency.

Your life is dictated by what you do on a consistent basis every single day.

It’s not accurate to say a single event, no matter how positively exhilarating or how tragic has any significant weight on your actual success.

As humans we tend to put far too much stock into single events.

Consistency Henry Rollins Quote


Think about it.


We beat ourselves.


A single positive event can definitely be a game changer in any career, but only if it’s supported by a solid foundation of consistent preparation.

Luck = preparation + opportunity.

Michael Jordan was a God among men in professional basketball but he needed the rest of the Chicago Bulls to win. Consistency Michael Jordan

He couldn’t do it himself.

Jordan was also demoted to the JV team sophomore year in high school, so he wasn’t born pissing excellence.  Yes, he had tremendous talent but he also outworked everybody else.

I’ll bet he learned that fact during that fateful sophomore year where he DOMINATED the jayvee team.

Too many people believe that a “lucky break” should be the instigator for a consistent work ethic.

consistency is a habit Aristotle


“If I could get this, then I would do that”  Ugh.


Let me save you the suspense. Without consistency, you aren’t prepared at the point you get the lucky break.


This results in failure.


I’ll bet if you honestly dissect the events leading up to any previous failed opportunity, you will discover that you weren’t prepared.


Hey man, that’s fixable.


Too many people let a tragedy derail their whole life or career. A tragedy is but a drop in a sea of hard work.Consistency No one can make you feel inferior

Yes, it’s devastating, but the courageous move on because they have to and the work sees them through.

Don’t give anyone or anything permission to make you feel bad or ruin you.

A person or event can only wreck you with your permission.

Just work.

I mean, you love the work, right?

Do you know how many people waste their lives away in a job they hate?

Remember that next time you’re feeling sorry for yourself.

I have seen very mediocre talent become superstars because they out work everyone.

They want it more.

I have seen artists literally born with a golden gift from God piss away COUNTLESS enviable opportunities because they won’t work.

Consistency is bettter than rare moments of greatness


The takeaway from those two previous statements is consistency.


Whether you are mediocre or you have a God given gift, success only happens with consistent work.

How can you be more consistent?



Stay in tune.

Consistency No One Beat us

Consistency Lombardi Quote

Consistency Trust yourself




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Give Up Don't you dare FEATURE

Did you ever notice how we only see success as success?  When we are first exposed to someone successful we initially only think about their success, right?

We covet a little bit.Give Up The Struggle You Don't See

We become envious.

Unless we are exposed to all the details of a personal success story, we don’t see (and we’re usually not told) about the struggle that preceded the success. We weren’t told about how many times they didn’t give up.

Every success comes with mountains of struggle


mountain-landscape-640617_castle_peI have news for you, EVERY success comes with mountains of struggle, endless hurdles, obstacles overcome, bullets dodged, etc.  There is ALWAYS a back story rife with failure, heartbreak, doubt, fear, second thoughts, and the fact that they didn’t give up through any of it.

Bottom Line: I can guarantee you’ll fail if you don’t try again.  Nobody can guarantee failure if you don’t give up. So, it’s a scientific fact that you can win if you don’t give up, but you will definitely lose if you quit.

The only thing that is impossible is what you don’t try to achieve.Give up Don't You Are So Close

What’s the worst that could happen?

You have to try again?

So what?  It’s worth it, right?

This dream of yours isn’t going to be easy. Simply put, if it was easy everyone would be doing it.

Here Are 10 Reasons Not To Give Up

  1. It’s All About Talent AgainGive Up You Bring The Talent 2

    As terrestrial radio continues to become less effective at breaking acts in the marketplace, the big hype machine disappears with it.  The ability to break a non-talent into super-stardom is waning fast.  Future stars in the music business must be talented to get recognized.  Don’t give up. You have talent. Talent will win in the end.

  2. Pressure = Creation

    Necessity is the mother of invention.  You thrive on pressure even if you think you don’t.  You are stronger than you think.  Rick Rubin on several occasions (most notably Weezer’s “Beverly Hills” and Tom Petty’s “It’s Good To Be King”) would wait until a week or so before the scheduled recording sessions to tell an artist he didn’t think they had a single…just to see what the pressure would create.  Never give up. Pressure creates diamonds, I know it’s cliché but that doesn’t make it any less true.

  3. Failure

    Give Up Failure doesn't come from falling downYou need failure, believe it or not.  It’s what teaches you how to navigate your career better. Failure is what teaches you how to win. Remember, many failures precede all successes. Just ask Michael Jordan who was cut from his high school basketball team; he didn’t give up. Sheryl Crow got a major label deal and recorded her first album only to scrap it completely before it was released. Of course, she was then sued by her label; this was before Tuesday Night Music Club. She didn’t give up. Thomas Edison failed 2,000 times before he nailed the long-lasting incandescent light bulb. He didn’t give up.  Henry Ford went bankrupt multiple times before he invented the assembly line. he didn’t give up either.

  4. The Pursuit

    Life happens as you make your way toward your goal; enjoy it.  This time in your struggle, these are the moments that you will remember forever.  Again, I know it’s cliché, but think about it, success is not a destination, it is the journey.  Especially in the music business, man, you are either on your way up or on your way down, there is no plateau where “things calm down” and you relax. Don’t give up. You want to make a living being a creative, which means you’re always creating.

  5. You Are Strong Give Up Stay Strong

    You are stronger than you think.  You have the capability to understand the fact that your career is always full of challenges, so EXPECT them and eat them for breakfast.  Success will come when you resign yourself to dealing with these challenges as challenges, not excuses.  1, 10, or even 1,000 setbacks are not enough to stop you, so don’t give up.

  6. If You Give Up On Yourself Everyone Else Will Too

    Listen, ALL successful people have overcome incredible odds and unbelievable struggles to get where they are; you just aren’t aware of the back story.  These prosperous people deeply understand that success is a mindset.  They surround themselves with positive, like-minded people.  They view quitters as a cancer or an STD.  When you project negativity or a quitting vibe it pisses successful people off.  It pisses them off because it scares the shit out of them.  It scares them because they KNOW failure is just 1 negative thought away.  Don’t give up.

  7. There Is No Overnight Success

    No great thing was created overnight.  Many years of work went into every success before it ever came to your attention. Don’t be naive. Don’t give up.

  8. You’re Just A Few Tweaks Away

    Sometimes a few tweaks and adjustments to a plan are all that it takes to make a giant leap forward.  We lost $8,000 on my band’s first tour because I didn’t know what I was doing.  A few tweaks coupled with a clearer understanding of the game, and our second touring experience had us making a living on ½ the gross revenue! Don’t give up. I failed first, learned, and then got better; you can too.

  9. You Can Change The Industry ForeverGive Up The Struggle Your in today

    Make your dent, man.  Florida Georgia Line had the BEST songwriters in town and a proven KILLER producer behind their project.  All the record labels still said “NO” because FL/GA Line was too different.  They went to Satellite radio where “Cruise” became a smash hit, and after a little tour, they sold 100,000 downloads.  Then every label that said “NO” was saying “YES”.  The record, the production, the band, the sound, and the songs didn’t change.  The only thing that changed was the perception. They didn’t give up when everyone said no. Don’t give up.

  10. Let the Haters Hate

    The more you succeed the more haters you will have.  Think of them like little trophies, assuming you’re not a douchebag it means you’re doing something right.  Don’t give up.

Give Up Do It For The People Who Want To See You Fail


Give Up It's hard to wait for something that may never happen


Give Up You Can't Go A Day Without Thinking About









Give Up You Are the creator of your own destiny


PS: If you haven’t already downloaded my PDF, Whoever Owns The Traffic, Rules The Road, you’re missing out on core information that will help you start asking the right questions about how to dominate in the new music industry. Go to GiftFromJohnny.com put in your name and tell us where to send it.