Tag Archive for: Nashville Demos

Path Adamant or Ignorant Feature

We humans are super stubborn especially when it comes to certain paths we take, we’re truly wired up that way.Path Donkey


You’ve heard the expression “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, right?




Think about this for a second:



Path Democrat Republican


We’re adamant about being a Democrat or Republican.


We’re adamant about being a vegan or a meat eater.

Path Chevrolet Ford


We’re obstinate about Ford vs. Chevrolet


Some of us have deep loyalties about Fender vs Gibson.


Path Fender vs Gibson


We’re adamant about the manner in which we handle our relationships (most if not all of us need consistent improvement on that, present company INCLUDED).

Quite often we are unwavering on these ideals and we don’t even know why. We don’t have an opinion that is based on any kind of facts or accurate information, we just do what our parents did.


We follow the crowd we hang out with.

Path Lincoln Quote


We staunchly support an ideal and we have done exactly ZERO research for ourselves.


I saw it on Facebook, so it must be true.



WAY too many artists are adamant about the path they are taking to climb the ladder of success in their careers.

Path No Excuses


They’re understandably resolute in their approach because they’ve experienced and seen the manner in which all their favorite, life-changing, iconic artists have come into their awareness.

But, when does adamant turn into ignorance?


It’s GOOD to be inflexible with regards to achieving your goals. This creates perseverance. When I was an artist there was no musician, girl, business deal, booking agent, tragedy, manager, label suit, sickness, injury, or excuse that I would give permission to stand in my way. No plan B. Only forward motion.


If you’re stubborn about achieving the goal, that’s awesome. If you’re unyielding on the path you’ve chosen to get there, you’re ignorant.


The path constantly changes in real life.

Path Don Henley Quote MEME

The path gets refined as you become more aware of what is really going on.


Many of you think you’re determined to succeed but really, as Don Henley says, “That’s just some people talking”.

Too many of you are blissfully clueless when it comes to any kind of discernible business plan to bring your amazing music to market.




Sadly, most of you that have any semblance of a process or business plan to expand the awareness of your music in a market are working with outdated and inaccurate information.

Path blind


You’re refusing to recognize this fact.


You’re sticking to your current path.

How’s that working for you?


What metrics are you using to measure your forward progress?


Did you sell more CD’s this year than last year?


Are you selling more tickets this year as opposed to 2014?Path Measure it Manage It Ruler

If you can measure it, you can manage it.


Do you have a reasonable, credible plan in place for 2016?


How is your song going to become my jam?


My father says that journeys like life or a business plan are living, breathing, entities in constant need of cultivation and reevaluation.  John Sr. says a journey is similar to the flight path of a butterfly in that it’s never in a straight line.


Path Butterfly


The butterfly that embarks on a voyage across a field of flowers will fly here, then fly there, fly forward, then backward, zigzagging, advancing and retreating until finally it reaches the other side.


A butterfly is never steadfast about the path. Untiring towards the goal, but open for suggestion and often unwillingly relocated by the winds of change along the way.



I’ve mentioned this in past blogs, but a great example of this was an experiment done in the 1940’s designed to gather information on what makes a person really lucky or really unlucky.

Path Lucky

The results were astounding.


Generally speaking, unlucky people are firmly entrenched in their pathway, blind to any outside anomalies or fluctuations happening around them.



Lucky people were more prone to take it all in, pay attention to everything, and learn.


Open for suggestion.


The experiment asked people to respond to a newspaper ad requesting people reply if they felt they were generally lucky or generally unlucky. The respondents would be paid handsomely.


In the experiment, the whole group was given a newspaper and asked to count the number of images that were printed in the paper. They were instructed to hand in their answers once they finished and they would be paid $250 (again, this was in the 1940’s, I think, so that was big money).

The people who felt they were generally unlucky took an average of 2 minutes to complete the task.


The people who were generally lucky took an average of 15 seconds.


What was the reason for the disparity in the length of time required to complete the task?


Path More Than Good Music Meme


In the newspaper, on page 2, was a black and white ad in huge block letters that read, “THERE ARE 48 IMAGES IN THIS NEWSPAPER, THERE IS NO NEED TO KEEP COUNTING. PLEASE WRITE THIS DOWN, HAND YOUR PAPER INTO THE INSTRUCTOR AND COLLECT YOUR $250 CHECK.”


See my point?

The people that were ignorantly resolute on the guidelines (A.K.A. the path) continued to count all the images never seeing the ad with the answer because it wasn’t an image.



The answer wasn’t what they were looking for, rather, they were looking for images. Opportunities don’t always come looking like what you’d thought they should.


Get it?

What’s your plan of attack to make a living at your artistry?


While I’m quite sure you’re determined to never quit until you reach your goal, how resolute are you to the tactics you’re using to get there?


Don’t be a moron.

Don’t be naïve.

Plain and simple.

Path Consumers Like You MEME


Don’t mistake technologies that offer new ways for artists to connect with fans as the grand solution that will save the failing music industry and thus, your lot in life.

Consumers need reasons to like and stand behind an artist, not a new technological platform. When they have the reason, believe me the platform will not matter, they will find what they want.


How are all these artist platforms working for you?


Are they getting you paid?

Do you know anybody that knows anybody who BROKE on Pandora, Spotify, Bandzoogle, Reverbnation, iTunes, etc.?


If you’re #1 in Kalamazoo for alternative country on Reverbnation how does that translate with regards to your bank account?


Now you may say, “Johnny, we make art for the sake of art so the sales don’t matter, the recognition is what matters.”


Path Blue Ribbon MemeWell, somehow, at this moment, you’re paying your bills with something.


Where did those funds come from?


What if your current bosses decided to stop paying you in exchange for blue ribbon each pay period?




Can you imagine?


What would you do if this happened?



You’d have to, wouldn’t you?


My point is that somehow, some way, you found out how to get paid for a job that you’d probably rather not do if you don’t straight up hate it.


Why on earth wouldn’t you want to find a way to get paid to be an artist?


Path StruggleIf you’re struggling that means you aren’t getting paid or you aren’t getting paid enough to survive.

If you’re just getting paid with some BS form of technological praise, I submit to you that the praise you receive PLUS $2.52 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.


Change your path.


Change it often.


It took Edison an average of 1,000 experiments to obtain the successes he needed for EACH of his 2,332 patents.


Path Edison MEME




How may experiments have you tried to get paid for your music?



My guess is the first one, perhaps the only one, the one you’re on now, isn’t working well enough.









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Will Feature Image

I date a beautiful first grade teacher of 17 years who has two amazing daughters that are 11 and 8 years old.   The first week of this past October, it was their school fall break, so I took them up to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for a couple days to see where I grew up. Lake Geneva is a beautiful, Will Lake Geneva Collagequaint, little tourist town nestled against a large natural lake with AMAZING homes on it (The Wrigley’s estate, the Walgreen’s estate, etc.) I contacted a former co-worker of mine (from a killer restaurant I used to bartend at 25 years ago) who remained in the thriving hospitality industry up there to get a deal on a resort room for the 2 nights we were going to stay. My friend, Geri, had married a guy named Lee who was a GM at one of the resorts. Geri was really a former co-worker and acquaintance to me, but a life-long friend to my little sister who also worked at this same restaurant with Geri and me at one point.


Geri came through, I got a sweet room at this amazing resort overlooking the breathtaking views of Lake Geneva for 50% off. This was accomplished through a small but succinct set of text messages.


1 week later my little sister texted me to tell me Geri had a brain aneurysm and Lee was about to pull the plug on life support.


My first thought: W…T…F

I still had those texts from just one week ago.

Geri had to be close to my age, give or take 3-5 years.


Will HeartbeaatIt’s at a moment like this I count my blessings and I take great solace in the fact that I wasn’t afraid to take risks in my life. Maybe that’s weird, but these are the things I think about when faced with my mortality (I don’t have kids of my own).

It’s true you know, on your death bed, the ONLY thing you will regret in life are the risks you didn’t take.



No one ever thought, “Whew, I’m glad I followed all the rules and flew below the RADAR screen of society my whole life.”


This past Friday, like everyone else in the world, I stared on with disbelief at the horrific events that happened in France.Will France Flag


There were people attending a huge soccer game, people out to eat with their families, and people attending a rock concert that were all senselessly and purposefully wiped out.






France has far stricter gun laws that the USA, if you weren’t aware.

Will gun control


So these people were exterminated by illegal handguns, illegal automatic weapons, and illegal explosives.


It was illegal and still, they were destroyed.



Who cares why? David Letterman said it best after the 9/11 attacks when he said (and I’m paraphrasing), “If you live to be 1,000 years old, will you EVER make any sense of this?”Will_David_Letterman


I mentioned the gun control statement not to start a political rant, but to open your eyes to the bigger picture beyond guns.


Your life is short and promised to no one.


Too many of you are drinking whatever Kool-Aid you prefer and not paying attention to what’s really going on.


Here’s what’s really going on:  You’re wasting time.


Will Wasting Time


Regardless of what your government says they’re going to do to protect you. Short of putting all 7 billion of us on the planet in straightjackets to shield us from each other, if someone truly wants to damage you they can and they will.


Life is never going to be fair in this regard.


So the question is, what are YOU going to do about it?Will Straightjacket Collage


Any lawman will tell you most crimes are crimes of opportunity, which means you did something stupid and left yourself vulnerable. This stupidity was unfortunately recognized by a criminal mind and the situation was exploited.


The first day I moved to California, I was staying in Venice. At the end of the night I had the wherewithal to remove the face of my car stereo and placed it in its case, however, I left the case on the passenger seat like a moron. Next day I awoke to a busted window, no stereo face, and mangled dashboard from the rookie who tried unsuccessfully to pull the unit.


That one was on me. It was preventable.


What isn’t preventable is when someone REALLY wants to hurt you. When that situation arises, you can only take care of yourself.


I’ve never owned a gun and I don’t hunt (hunting in Wisconsin = COLD).


The gun control arguments on both sides are laughable. My problem with these debates has nothing to do with guns.


It has to do with the byproduct of too much control (of any kind) which is creating a society of victims who rely and/or blame someone or something else for their lot in life.Will Concentration Camps License Rodrigo Galindez

When we don’t take responsibility for our own happiness, love, safety, health, mental health, job, life mission, etc., someone else will, I promise.

The more your government, parents, friends, lovers, etc. step in to protect, the more humans will rely on that and not do for themselves.



We’re just wired up that way.


Nobody is responsible for you but you.


And just like us all, you are broken.

Will something Broken MEME

We are all broken.


Maggie Rose wrote, “Life’s full of broken things, like hearts, homes, and dreams. We all come from something broken,”


You’re health, your heart, your home, it doesn’t matter, because you’re just like everyone else.


What will define you is how you play the hand you were dealt.


Will you choose to believe the media, the governments of the world, and your naysaying friends when they tell you someone or something else is responsible for your unhappiness?


Will Pressure


It’s easier to think that. Takes the pressure off of you, right?

You don’t have to do the work but you do have to live with the consequences.




My friend Geri and those unfortunate people in France all stupidly lost their lives too early.


Their loss of life was not their fault.


How they lived their lives up until that last moment was.


I don’t know any of the victims in France. I do know that Geri led a wonderful life. She had grown kids and fostered a loving marriage to her best friend, Lee.

Will Meaning of Life MEME. License Leland Francisco

Photo: Leland Francisco


I hate that she had to go.


I love what she did right up until that moment.


Want to know what the meaning of life is?


I know the answer. It’s easy.


You are a mission critical cog in the wheel of advancing human society.

Will Society MEME


Your job is to be a little smarter, a little wiser, a little worldlier, a little more creative, and a little more aware than your parents were. (For some of you, maybe you’re a LOT more of these things.)






STOP thinking about what you don’t have.


STOP blaming your parents, past events, sickness, trauma, blah, blah, blah.Will Stop Hand


STOP waiting around for something to happen to you and START making something happen FOR you.


START working with what you have in front of you right now.


START making moves right now.


You cannot change yesterday.


You cannot predict the future.


The only thing you can control is RIGHT NOW.



Will butts



You need knowledge and you need to apply that knowledge to become more powerful.


We all come from something broken so your excuses for not accomplishing what you want to accomplish are like butts, EVERYBODY HAS ONE AND THEY ALL STINK.



1,000 years of additional, positive, forward progress in our advanced society will not change the fact that one cannot guarantee your safety or any kind of equal outcome to your life experience.Will Downloading Future


So blaming anyone but yourself is futile.


It’s still going to be up to the individual to craft the results of their life.



Will BurglarIllegal guns, drugs, alcohol, knives, bombs, automobiles, and hurtful words choices designed strategically for the purposes of emotional abuse will not change the fact that if someone wants to hurt you they can and they will.


So it’s on you.


Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.





Who are you authorizing to make you feel bad, inadequate, pathetic, or downright horrible?Will Consent Quote

Is it family?


The news channels?

Your government?





What risks have you been putting off?


What are you scared of?

It’s time to love deeper and forget the B.S.

It’s time to be the kind of friend you’d like to have.

It’s time to start working on your dream; start that band, finish that song, record that demo, learn how to market your music, etc.


What would be going through your mind if you were one of the victims in France with an illegal AK-47 to the back of their head just before you were executed?


What would’ve been your regret?Will Cowboy Up

Life is a full contact sport and nobody gets out alive.


Don’t give anyone permission to take your happiness away and put it in the hands of anyone else.


You cowboy up and take the good with the bad.

Will Rocky collage


You’re going to screw up, we all screw up.



Get over it.

You’re going to fail, we all fail more than we succeed.


Get over it.


You’re going to have to get back up again, shake it off, and learn from the mistake.


It’s a scientific fact that the big win, the big score, the game-changer in your life will absolutely happen immediately following a failure that you had to recover from.

Will No Traffic Jams Extra Mile


Don’t wait, man.

You’re life is almost over.



You’re out of time.


There are no roadblocks in the extra mile. If you’re feeling them, you haven’t driven far enough.


Get to it.








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