Periscope’s slogan is “Explore the world through someone else’s eyesâ€
For those of you who are unaware of this app, Periscope (and Meerkat) allow you to broadcast live video through your Twitter app.
Thank you to my dear friend Gary Shapiro for turning me on to this app a few months ago. He said, “Johnny, I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with thisâ€
Can you imagine throngs of people broadcasting live footage (AKA the TRUTH) we can all see during major world events like the terrorist attacks? Tiananmen Square? Watts riots? Balloon Rides? Bosnian genocide? Political Rallies? Live Concerts?
This technology has the potential to change the world for the better, including your career.
I see Periscope definitely changing the music industry as it can be mission critically instrumental in truly connecting artists with their fan base. If you’re clever you can incorporate interactivity and seriously deepen relationships using this app.
Watching a broadcast isn’t a passive experience like watching television. On Periscope, the experience is interactive as your audience can influence your broadcast by sending messages and expressing their love by tapping the screen to send hearts.
FYI, the only discernable difference I can see between Meerkat and Periscope seems to be the “hearts†feature on Periscope which is why I like it better.
Consistency will be crucial for some of these ideas.
Here are 16 ideas I have to help you utilize Periscope to deepen relationships with your fan base. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE hit me back with any ideas you come up with!!
- Rock Star’s Perspective – Walk on stage to a packed house and broadcast live to let the viewers experience the rush you get when you are showered with applause.
- Contest Winner Reveal – What if you dreamt up a giveaway of some sort (autographed guitar, gift cards, gas cards, merch, etc.) and the contestants had to tune in live to win?
- Interactive Queries – We did something really cool with Bailey James where we asked the “James Gang†via social media to help us choose between 2 songs to pick the last song we would record on her debut EP. We set up a page on her site where fans could stream work tapes of her singing 2 songs. We asked them to choose their favorite and report back on social media. We received TONS of responses making this initiative very interactive. Then, fans had to tune in to a live Periscope broadcast to see which song won. We had viewers from England, Peru, Brazil, and Canada. SO COOL! This provided a sense of satisfaction to viewers who wanted to know which song won, it made the viewers feel like they were truly a part of the experience and decision making process, AND it provided invaluable social proof of the artist in the recording studio with her producers, the band, etc. It was really happening, not just hype.
- Special Consistent Private Performances – Weekly quick performances of cover songs picked by your social media community that
you artistically stylize can be super effective. If you’re a solo artist, do it somewhere intimate so the viewers feel special access like your bedroom or studio etc. You WILL deepen relationships if you make them feel extraordinary.
- Backstage Pass Live – EVERYBODY wants a backstage pass. I remember getting backstage at an AC/DC concert when I was 16 at Alpine Valley. 60,000 people, I was standing spitting distance from Malcolm’s guitar while they were on stage was an experience that changed my life forever. This access would be amazing for the rituals, banter, and exclusivity of any show but ESPECIALLY big shows where you get the opportunity to play to large audience or a packed house. Announce you are broadcasting live on Periscope and have the crowd scream at your viewers. AMAZING SOCIAL PROOF.
- Writing Session – What would your fans think if they could kibitz on your creative moments? With Periscope they can effortlessly come on and off the app at will checking in to monitor progress.
- Recording Session – There is nothing cooler for a fan than a front row seat to watch you create magic.
- Live Access to Pivotal Career Moments/Announcements – Your fans want access, they want to feel like they were a part of your success. Allow them to share your experience of contract signings, big shows, awards, interviews, press, any social proof that you’re on your way to something bigger. In-crowd watches live. Out-crowd watches what they missed. Out-crowd wants to be in-crowd, get it?
- Live Q&A – What if you query fans on social media for questions and then answer live on Periscope? HINT: print up SHOUT OUTS of Twitter/Instagram handles from fans who submitted questions and show them live to spurn interactivity (Bailey James does this on her YouTube Channel). I used to LOVE watching funny, crazy, and compelling interviews of my favorite bands on MTV this is your chance to connect!! The most compelling reason a fan will watch is to see you mention THEM. Vanity is as SURE as death and taxes.
- Multitask Content – You can download formerly live broadcasts and upload them to your YouTube Channel. This will provide amazing content on a weekly basis
- Live Practical Jokes – On band members or other artists in your community. I just saw THIS video of Tyler Farr pranking Jerrod Niemann in Jamaica.
- Live Road Trip Videos – What could happen? Are you funny? Do y’all sing? What do you do to avoid boredom? Multitask your boredom avoidance with social media content that will be amusing to your fans. Did the van break down? Stuck at a border? Pulled over by police? Are you crusty, hung over, and at a Shoney’s slightly aggravated and making smart ass comments? SHARE IT LIVE
- Repurpose Content – Cut up cool 15 second video moments from your live broadcast downloads and post on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. This will provide content diversification across multi social media platforms. Remember some people preferred to consume Letterman, some people preferred to consume Leno so an artist appeared on both shows to reach everyone possible.
- Get Musically Creative – I love Jimmy Fallon’s musical moments where everyone is on the screen like the Muppets using cheap, weird instruments and creating cool music. You like to be creative, right? Rappers, do y’all jump off on any freestyle rap moments? Inter group contests? Playful trash-talking? This would be great live content.
- Tour Rituals – Do you warm up? Take a shot? Say a prayer? Team meeting?Give your fans live access to what you do just before you walk onstage.
- Introductions All Around – Introduce your road crew, booking agent, club owner, promoter, parents, etc. let your community in. The more they feel a part of your success, the more they will contribute to keep it going.
I can’t wait to hear what y’all come up with on this app. It just came out in May. Again, please hit me back with any ideas you dream up.
PS: If you haven’t already downloaded my free Music Marketing On Twitter book, please enjoy it on me. Go to put  in your name and tell us where to send it. It’ll teach you how to get 1,000 new targeted followers every month for just 15 minutes per day.
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