Entries by Johnnydwinell

Where Are The Taste Makers?

By Johnny Dwinell Where are the taste makers? Does anybody take the time to go down the “Rabbit Hole” on ReverbNation? Does anybody click on “If you like this, then you’ll like this” on Pandora? I did once.  The song sucked.  I never did it again.  There’s no filter, man, I don’t have time to […]


 By Johnny Dwinell Pandora Blows.  Oh…and they certainly don’t give a shit about you.  Not for one second. Pink Floyd Blasts Pandora Pink Floyd wrote an op-ed piece in USA Today blasting Pandora and their douche-bag CEO Tim Westergren for essentially tricking musicians into signing a petition disguised as “a letter of support” for internet […]

Are You Paying Attention To The Losers?

By Johnny Dwinell Do you?  Are you paying attention to the losers to learn from them or just the winners?  I sincerely hope you are all really researching the marketing methods I gave you the broad strokes on in previous blog posts.  This is MISSION CRITICAL that you get this. Why? This is how you […]


By Johnny Dwinell So we just got done with CMA week here in Nashville this past week.  Crazy!!!  Tons of fans and tons of artists and Tons of INDIE artists!!!  I can’t believe that the indie artists are not educating themselves on this important business aspect of selling music.   Step two is LEAD CAPTURE […]

Online Marketing Steps: Step One EXPOSURE

By Johnny Dwinell Step one is EXPOSURE Major labels use radio (or used to use radio for pop and rock music) to EXPOSE you to the good stuff…um….er…ok…the “stuff” (some of it’s good, most of it is bad); once you hear it enough (“enough” is defined as the magic marketing number for a hit song, […]

Squeeze Pages and Marketing Music Online

Johnny Dwinell Squeeze pages are an absolute necessity if you plan to sell any of your music online.  Wait, they are a necessity if you plan MAKE A LIVING selling your music online. At 30,000 feet, here’s the breakdown.  A squeeze page is a one page web address where you and the consumer get “tit […]

So You Finished Your Recording Project…Now What?

By Johnny Dwinell Don’t Let Your Recording Project Die In The Closet So you finished your recording project…Now What are you going to do?  Ahh, that’s the rub.  How do you avoid the typical 950-CD-in-the-closet syndrome?  You know what I’m talking about; you get all excited that you are finished, because you want to share […]

Want The Good News?

Where There Is Blood In The Streets There Is Money To Be Made! by Johnny Dwinell There is truly more good news than bad news in today’s music business for both artists and songwriters.  I will get to that in a second, but first let’s address a few things with regard to some of the […]


Johnny Dwinell What’s your plan to expose your music to the world?  I mean EXPOSE people to your music NOT “make it available for people to find”.  You really need answer this question honestly and then get on board with the business of learning how to make that happen if you ever plan on making […]

Studio Shopping

By Johnny Dwinell Every singer/songwriter/artist comes to a point where it’s time to record your songs and you are relegated with the task of finding the right place to record or “studio shopping”.  This can be very daunting, especially if you have little or no experience at it. What should you be shopping for? What […]