Excuses versus Challenges
People hate it when I talk about this subject. Mostly because everyone has some festering sore spot in their life where they felt like they coulda, shoulda, woulda, but made an excuse and never did. So having a serious discussion about excuses causes people to relive their most catastrophic or most painful failures which in turn pisses them off.
I get it.
Do you know why it pisses them off?
It’s because they knew better. It’s because, deep down, they knew that there was more they could have done, but they chose to make an excuse.
They chose to give up.
They succumbed to their moment of doubt.
They behaved weakly.
I have some to be sure. They don’t feel good when you live them and they certainly don’t feel good when you relive them. I submit to y’all that there is exactly ZERO people on this planet that do not have a sore spot left from an excuse.
Here’s the key part of this concept EVERYBODY has at least one moment where they wish they would have done something differently, ya know?
The difference between the successful people and the people who seem to get stuck living in the past or making the same mistakes/excuses is that the successful people learn from the error in judgment and move on.
Successful people grow.
They learn that the difference between an excuse and a challenge is simply perspective.
Now you’re thinking about your moment of doubt and you’re deciding whether to continue reading.
Again, I get it.
My dad always told me that excuses are like butts, everyone has one and they all stink. (He always used more colorful language)
Yes, I know, there are definitely valid excuses. Real good reasons that something didn’t get done.
There are also crappy, weak, excuses. Real lame reasons why something didn’t get done.
It is a FACT that all valid and all lame excuses have the same outcome; something didn’t get done that should have been done.
Another way to articulate this fact is to say that whether one has a valid excuse or a weak excuse the damage is exactly the same. Something doesn’t get done.
Another really HORRIBLE fact about excuses is that they always imply failure. They precede giving up. Excuses become the trumped up reason to quit.
Excuses make it ok to fail at your goals and dreams.
Excuses make it ok for life to happen to you instead of the other way around.
A challenge is processed COMPELTELY differently in the subconscious mind.
If one thinks of any roadblocks as a challenge they are framed as an obstacle that is delaying the execution of a certain goal or dream.
See the difference?
An excuse is subconsciously thought of as “Here’s the reason why we failed.”
A Challenge is subconsciously thought of as “Here’s the reason why our success is being postponed.”
With an excuse there is no need for further action; game over. (This is why people like them so much)
A challenge REQUIRES additional effort.
(This is why people don’t like them)
Thomas Edison could have had 2,000 excuses why he couldn’t make the light bulb. Instead he viewed them as 2,000 challenges that got him closer to his goal.
Oh yeah, and then he made the first practical, long lasting, incandescent light bulb.
Excuses are toxic and nonproductive. View them as the most horribly addicting drug that will ABSOLUTELY, UNDENIABLY ruin your life.
You should seriously treat excuses as something life threatening like the Ebola Virus that should never to be put in or around you.
Challenges are a pain in the ass.
Challenges make us uncomfortable.
Challenges delay success.
But challenges alwaysprecede success.
One cannot have success without challenges.
One cannot succeed with excuses.
Are you busy making excuses or are you busy dealing with challenges?
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