Foundation For Blended and Online Learning
This video shows a testimonial from a digital education scholarship winner. The Foundation for Blended and Online Learning awarded 40 such scholarships in 2018.
The purpose of this campaign was to show the FBOL board the power of Facebook Advertising.
FBOL is currently funded by a massive educational corporation called K12.
Their initial goal is to create public awareness. After that we will craft a campaign to turn them into a proper charity (more than 20% of their funds come from private individuals).
Below is the 1-minute video we promoted.
Underneath the video is the performance report we submitted at the end of the campaign.
***NOTE*** Content counts! We were very intentional in the way we presented this content with regards to time, aspect ratios of the video, and editing.
Ad Buy = $1,047
Data Breakdown
Each of these video views is a specific FB account.
This is data that we can target, multiple times, directly through FB so you know you’re spending money to get in front of people who have already seen your ad.
This is huge as it allows us to change messaging specifically for cold, warm, and hot audiences.
***NOTE*** Every single one of the non-monetary number statistics represents a specific account that we can retarget directly OR that we can use to create a “Lookalike Audience”.
With a “Lookalike Audience” Facebook will allow us to find brand new accounts that we haven’t touched yet whose data matches these specific accounts. For instance, we could take an audience of people who have converted on an offer (like free X-Rays to entice a consumer into becoming a new dental patient) and create a “Lookalike Audience” from them. These kinds of audiences are extremely valuable.
Please feel free to reach out and ask questions if you’re unsure or unaware of what a Facebook “Lookalike Audience” is.