Tag Archive for: Artists

Cage Feature MEME

Follow me on this, I promise it’s all about artists.

Cage Election BannerElection season is here in the United States and personally, I hate all politicians on both sides of the isle because their job security is not related in any way to performance.


That’s an accident looking for a place to happen.


It’s gross.


Is that just me?


You can relax, this isn’t a political rant of any kind. I have my beliefs just like you, but I disdain both sides of the isle because the system doesn’t foster performance when job #1 is just to get reelected. This means they really don’t give a damn about any of us or the country simply because they don’t have to.

They care about your vote, and ALL politicians will pander to you, looking for the biggest common “heart-string” threads they can pull to gain the most votes.

Cage Politician Promise


Until Congressional term limits are in place, where the politician incentive changes from “what do I have to do to ride this gravy train a little longer” to “I don’t have much time to leave my legacy so I better get to work” we will continue down the same path. Sadly.



Until the proper, appropriate, intelligent motivations are woven into our political structure, the sour  arguments, talking points, and voting process will stack up and linger unnecessarily like garbage in a compulsive hoarder’s home.Cage Hoarding





I liken it to a group of people standing around a swimming pool, each of them with a different colored cinder block, spouting endless spirited nonsensical rants based on their thoughts, fears, and beliefs, for the purposes of convincing the other side that their cinder block will actually float.


Cage Cinder Block Voyeur MEME

Until we reimagine the cinder block, it just isn’t going to happen regardless of your beliefs.


Our current arrangement allows us to change said political system as a people, without permission from Congress (via a Constitutional Amendment), but we won’t.


And this brings me to my point.


This is where my prior statements morph into your reality as an artist.


Right now, we live in a country where, for the most part, there is equal opportunity. Yes, it’s flawed, but the opportunities are there.

Cage Slave Collage


For thousands of years all kinds of people have been persecuted, enslaved, exterminated, controlled, oppressed, etc., including blacks, Jews, women, Irish, Italian, witches, sorcerers, all religions, gays, people with different skin tone within their own oppressed race, handicapped, the outwardly vocal dissenters, etc.


Now, just in this election, we have full term black President nearing the end of his legacy, and so far out of the four front runners in the Presidential race, 1 is a Jew, 1 is a woman, and 1 is a Latino of Cuban decent.



Here’s my point. Yes we are flawed. Yes, there is always room to improve, but we have opportunities for anyone who wants to grab the brass ring.


But, most people won’t.


Most people won’t out of fear.Cage Brass Ring


It’s a very real fact that most people secretly don’t feel they’re worthy of it.




Cage King Arthur small


Only King Arthur can remove the scimitar from the stone.


This fear manifests itself in the form of convenient stories we tell ourselves that are designed to create forgiveness,


Forgiveness for failing to believe.


“But I’m not King Arthur so I can’t grab that sword.”


“Money is the root of all evil.”Cage Root Of All Evil


“We’re the 99% not the evil 1%”


“I need to be perfect before I can bring my art to the world.”


“I just need that record deal and THEN I can be serious about my artist career”


Cage Perfectionism



There is still rampant slavery in this world and no politician can EVER promise you that they can somehow change the system to create an equal outcome for every person.




Here’s why.

Yes, you’re a slave.

You’re also the slave master.


While your opportunities can be changed by a different political system, your outcome can only be changed by you.


Did you catch that?

While your opportunities can be changed by a different political system, your outcome can only be changed by you.

Cage Feature 2

We are all prisoners held captive within our own cage.


How far you choose to expand your reality is completely up to you.


I’ll give you an example, here is a GREAT video of Tony Robbins being interviewed by Lewis Howes (I love Howes’ podcast).


Robbins talks at length about giving.


The more you give the more you receive. He was barely making a living at one point when he offered a kid a college scholarship with these rules:

  • You must have a B average
  • No Drugs
  • You can’t go to Jail
  • You must do 20 hours of community service each year.




The community service was a strategic component he placed in there to systemize exposure to giving. This requirement ensured that the beneficiary could experience the biological and mental change which occurs within a soul when it gives.



Since then, Tony has expanded this amazing scholarship program exponentially but you’d be amazed at how many kids turn down the scholarship because either they, or their parents, don’t believe they should be giving they believe they should be getting.


They find the 20 hours of community work requirement offensive so they pass on the gift!


There’s that rusty cage I was talking about.


Cage 99 percentIncidentally, about 27 minutes in Tony talks about the 99% and their views and attitudes towards money. He says that money is a magnifier of someone’s real self. If you’re mean you’re going to get meaner with money. If you’re generous you’re going to give more with money.



I personally like the fact Tony states about how half of the population of our planet live on $2.50 per day or $900 per year. Which comparatively in the context of the whole planet, places the poverty stricken Americans, the lowest of the 99%, in that evil 1% category that they love to hate so much.

Cage Tony Robbins Statistic





Think about that.






I find it extraordinarily entertaining when these 99 percenters bash capitalism and capitalists via social media from their iPhones. Nothing like ignorant irony.

Cage Kumbaya



Listen, most people are standing in a bucket and trying to lift themselves up. Until these people learn to get out of their own way, no institutionalized equal outcome ideologies will help them.



In your band somebody has to be the spiritual force, the leader. Somebody has to be John, then somebody has to be Paul, somebody has to be George, and somebody has to be Ringo.

Cage Standing In A Bucket



There will always be hierarchy in all animal species.


We’re wired up that way.



To be uplifted we need to have hope.


We need to believe that we can really succeed.Cage Megaphone Guy


Then we need to learn how to do it.


What we don’t need is any buffoon telling us we’re being held down by the man.


Because if we really believe that then it’s true.


EVERYBODY has to overcome obstacles to succeed and those obstacles don’t ever go away after you succeed.


We don’t need any respected “expert” making us feel these hindrances are somehow “institutionalized” or out of our control, rather we need to think of them as anticipated speed bumps.


I have massive respect for individuals who were smart enough, worked hard enough, and were driven enough to get out of their hood, their oppression, their cage, their former reality and make a real dent in the Universe.


Cage Name Tag Rich Person


I lose that respect when they become famous and use their voice, with the reach of their new found megaphone to complain about their lot in life. To complain about what they had to overcome to get their success.


I want to vomit when these achievers, these people who manifested their dreams into their reality whine and jump up and down about persecution, money, unfairness, blah, blah, blah.


All they are doing is sucking the wind out of the sails of anyone from their designated oppressed community who has an inkling of hope to achieve the same success.


They’re inadvertently proliferating the very problems they content they’re trying to solve.


Hey, not for nothing, but some famous people proliferate on purpose because it makes them feel relevant or the social problem actually makes them relevant, but I digress.Cage Politician Megaphone


In a misguided attempt to shine a light on their struggle to help others, they are enslaving millions of people on the receiving end of that megaphone by implying that life is impossible because it’s unfair and it’s out of an individual’s control.


They naively believe that some social change is going to make the world a fair place and help their downtrodden people rise.


Do you see? They’re putting the results of their outcome on someone or something else.


Isn’t that kind of an excuse?


Then their besieged people respond by doing nothing; waiting around for the world to change.


Cage it's Your Cage

Stuck in that cage because now that the onus isn’t on them, it’s the world’s fault, and until it changes to make it easy for them, why try?


What these famous achievers should be doing is telling them it can be done!


Why won’t they learn how to empower these people intelligently?




There are no equal outcomes.


Here’s another example.


Cage EM HE BusABC had a hit show called Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.


If you haven’t seen this show the producers would find people in need of a new home. The benefactors were vetted by an incredible story that would touch the hearts of America, ABC would then send the family on a luxurious vacation, and build them a brand new home while they were gone.


They demolished the old edifice and built the new house in one week!


For instance, you’d have a couple with 7 kids living in a 700 square foot house.


EM: HE would pay off their current mortgage and build them a 4,500 square foot house; absolutely free.


EM HE Before and After 2


This concept sounds so beautiful, and it is, but you have no idea the psychological and societal landmines ABC unearthed on this show.


In a sense this platform promised an equal outcome, didn’t it?


Every lucky subject gets a brand new spacious free house, no mortgage, taxes paid, and their insurance paid.





Easy street.Cage Landmine


Well, not exactly as it turns out.



In the first 5 years of this TV series, they had to change the rules to protect the winners from themselves.


Too many of the winners ended up destitute again.




Yes, they got their mortgage paid, a brand new free house, a new car, much better life at no cost, and then somehow found a way to get right back down to being broke again.


This was bad press for ABC.Cage Extravagant 2


What would happen you ask?


The winners would spend the money allotted to cover taxes and insurance on things that weren’t taxes and insurance.


They’d take mortgages out on their free house that got them out of squalor to go on vacation, live like a rock star, or start a business that they weren’t smart enough to know they didn’t know about.


Some of the people would lose the house because they couldn’t afford the utility bills in the new home.

Cage EM HE Logo Image


That’s right, after having zero debt, after all the new relationships they could’ve made in the community from the 2,000 to 4,000 volunteers who would show up to build this house in a week, it ended up that the winners couldn’t figure out a way to make an effort to earn a little more money for the electric bill in the new roomy home.


This is because they never believed they deserved it so they never stepped up their game to rise to the occasion.


 They clearly weren’t being held down by the man, here. They were being held down by themselves.


They couldn’t find a way to use the benevolence to pick themselves up and literally blew it.


Cage You Are Your Biggest Obstacle


This happened OFTEN.


ABC was forced to create rules that wouldn’t allow mortgages to be taken out on the home, untouchable escrow accounts had to be set up ensuring the taxes, insurance, and utilities could be paid for the next 5 years to guarantee ABC that these people couldn’t screw themselves.


The winners were pathetic.


I don’t say that to be mean or to be condescending.


ABC vetted them because they were pathetic which made for good TV. ABC amazingly created a show (which made tons of money by the way) that congregated thousands of local volunteers to help someone in need in their community. The network and these volunteers gave some poor, broken souls a new house, sometimes new vehicles, bills paid for 5 years, and a helping hand to lift them up out of their poverty stricken reality.Cage Pathetic


What ABC discovered was that all too often, the new environment, new things, and the new situation did not change the reality of the people they were helping at all.


These people were pathetic because they believed they were pathetic.


New house, new clothes, new car, same old person.


SIDENOTE: This is amazing. Over 50% of the people who were helped by ABC were grateful for the amazing opportunity. The other 50% became instantly entitled and began making snotty demands during and after production.

Cage Complaint


Demands for “appropriate” transportation, “appropriate” behind the scenes cuisine, they would turn their noses down on the color of a brand new SUV they just received, etc.


They complained!





Every society is like this.


Including you and your band.


Cage Winwood Lyrics“Come down off your throne, and leave your body alone. Something must change. You are the reason you’ve been waiting for so long.”


You are the answer to overcoming your troubles.


It’s your cage.

It can be as big as you want it to be.

It can be oppressive as you want it to be.

It can be abundant as you want it to be.

It can be full of love if you want it to be.

It can be creative if you want it to be.


In your cage you can live the dichotomy and suffer like the rest of society tells you that should because it’s the right thing to do (and they can’t figure out how to escape it), or you can step outside of your pitiful little cage, be courageous, and push forward in the face of fear and ridicule.


Cage Chains


Take a deep breath, experience some failure, and LIVE the life you always dreamed of.


You need stop thinking about what you don’t have because it doesn’t matter.




You have to concentrate on your gifts, on what you DO have and build from there.


People of influence love to help people who get it; people who they feel are on their way.


It has little to do with your talent.


It has everything to do with your mindset.

Cage Slave Punisher

Are you a slave?


Are you enslaving yourself?


Are you a corporate slave?


A slave within your relationship?


A slave shackled by the misguided thoughts and beliefs of your parents?


A slave to your own ineffective methodologies that never seem to work because you refuse to change tactics?


A slave to your own ego?


Cage Slave NegroA slave because you believe someone else is going to be responsible for your outcomes?


Well, no election, major TV network, record label executive, recording studio, management company, booking agent, songwriting partner, and certainly no amount of money is going to free you from your own shackles until you retool your brain.


Here’s a good example, we recently lost the incomparable Merle Haggard. Merle was born poor white trash. By the age of 18 his voluminous rap sheet resulted in a 15 year jail sentence. Merle escaped from jail 17 times. This is why he was moved to San Quentin State Prison because the state of California couldn’t figure out how to contain him in a jail. It was in San Quentin where Merle saw Johnny Cash play live and decided to change his life forever.


He had nothing and was not captive to a figurative cage, rather a real cage. He was released serving 2.5 years of his sentence and changed his mindset.


He had no money.Cage Merle Haggard 2


He had no contacts in the music industry.


What he did have was his songs and an unrelenting drive to succeed.


Hag gave absolutely no one permission to take that drive from him. The rest is history.


Sadly, like the subjects on ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, many of you will get some incredible opportunities and completely blow it due to your ignorance.


Many of you already have.


Ignorance is changed into potential power with education and knowledge. There are plenty of very inexpensive sources for education that only require your action and a couple bucks to implement.


FYI, Tony Robbins doesn’t have a college education, but he did read 700 books in 3 years when he first started getting his act together.


Cage Amazon Image


Why aren’t you reading?


Applied knowledge is turned into real power.


That’s a power that only you own.


It’s a power that will continually create opportunities for you.



No person, no government, no 1-percenter, and no election can take power like that away from you. Ever.


Don’t play their game, man.Cage Glass Half Full


Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.


It’s poison.


You have everything you need right now; no more, no less.


The question is what are you doing to pick the lock on your cage?







P.S. I challenge you to read 1 book a month with the subject matter being whatever you feel you need to help you further your artist career.




20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Feature

At the end of every year I ask y’all to respond to me about your feelings on the article content. I also ask for any suggestions on what you want me to write about moving forward. Many of you responded with requests for help.

You asked for answers to some of the common problems I’m expressing; especially with marketing your music.

Much of the content in this article was posted in a June 25, 2014 article simply as an articulation of the mistake. Here is a revved up version of that same content with some ideas and direction towards solutions. I hope this helps.

Please let me know what you think.

1. Misguided Language – Too many of you are telling people what to do on your CTA’s (Calls to Action) and failing to get conversions.20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Paraverbal Example: “Check out my new single” or “Hottest new rap artist spitting real life, yo, check him out now” or “Donate to our Kickstarter campaign”.

Nobody cares.

Hype on social media is as useless as screen doors on submarine. What you should be doing is making it about Say something like, “Wow, thank you for the follows #grateful, I want you to have a free download of my first single in return”. When someone engages YOU, respond with a similar message. Your conversion rates will skyrocket and people will begin to actually give your song a listen. This is a social media adaptation of paraverbal communication.


2. Paying For Discovery – Imagine a late night infomercial starting off with “Just $19.99!!!” Asking for the money and then attempting you to get excited about the product.

Would you watch?

Would you care?

Every day I see a tweet that says something like “Discover us on 20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes iTunesiTunes” or “Download our first single on iTunes”. Indie artists are misguided into thinking that giving music away is devaluing it somehow and “good business” means collecting money.

Listen, I’m all about collecting money, but just like you, I have NEVER, EVER, EVER, paid to discover an artist in my life.

Think about it, your favorite iconic artists came into your awareness for free. You discovered them on the radio (while you were waiting to hear your “jam”), a friend turned you on to them after he/she found them on the radio, or you paid to see a headlining act that you knew was worth the money and 20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Kickstarterwere pleasantly surprised by the opening act.

Without terrestrial radio,  marketing means you are going to have to get people interested in you and emotionally involved in your artistic journey before you shake them down for the cash.

In simple sales terms, you have to build desire first.


3. Likes and Follows Are Strong Connections – This is the biggest common fallacy.

Likes and follows are NOT strong connections in any way, shape, or form. If you ask for money directly after a like or follow it’s the same as meeting someone at a cocktail party, handing them your 20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Chain Link WeakCD and asking for $10.

Can you imagine? “Hi, I’m Johnny D, here’s my CD. You’re going to love it! That’ll be 10 bucks.”

You KNOW that won’t work.

It doesn’t on social media either.

A like or a follow is a handshake after an introduction at best.

If you’ve toured at all you KNOW that you cannot possibly remember everyone you meet. Something else needs to happen for you to remember a fan, right? You need to remember that when you networking on social media.


4. Selling, Selling, Selling – Too many indie artists just ask for money or hype themselves on social media with every post. This is the 20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Jabequivalent of digital panhandling.

You’ve got to give to receive, man.

Create content that is focused around YOU that can be offered for free to potential fans (make sure they know you’re benevolent) to get them interested in YOU first. THEN about every 4th post, serve up a CTA but give them the single.

You want to space out your CTA’s (where they need to act) with cool content that is about you and your brand. Read Gary Vaynerchuk’s Jab, Jab, Jab, RIGHT HOOK for more ideas on this subject.




5. Old School Marketing Methods – Look, I get it. Every artist we love was marketed to us via the radio, that’s where we most likely discovered them and that’s certainly where their music was driven into our brain enough 20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Old Man MEMEto become familiar after we discovered them.

It stands to reason that is how you would fashion your marketing plan because that is all you know. Listen, radio is no longer effective for exposing new artists.

The power of radio to introduce a new artist into a market is over because consumers don’t have to suffer through the “getting-to-know-you-process” of listening to unfamiliar music.

Even if you have 1 million dollars to spend on a P1 radio campaign, they have Wi-Fi in the car, man.

They’re going to change the channel when faced with an unfamiliar tune to find their jam because, well, now they can.

While there are always exceptions to the rule, I submit to you that outside of country music no new artists have broken on rock or pop radio in the last 5 years. Any artist that has their very first single on radio in the last 5 years broke somewhere else and THEN radio started spinning them.

They broke first on YouTube, American Idol, The X Factor, The Voice, TV show soundtracks (theme song music), some anomaly that created attention, or great online marketing.

Most of you don’t have 1 million dollars so relying on radio to break you is a convenient cop out that ensures you won’t make it and it’s not your fault.

Spend your money putting your promotional content in front of a targeted set of eyes. Spend your money on a PR launch for your record to get some valuable press that you can use for social proof. Spend your money either on a company that can help you find your audience on social media OR learning to do it yourself. (Gasp!!)


6. Directing Traffic to Digital Distributors – If you’ve marketed correctly, you’ve influenced a consumer buying decision and they will find a way to purchase your product line.20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Traffic Cop

Digital distribution has exactly ZERO effect on sales today.

No artist broke on iTunes and nobody is stumbling across cool music there either. They’re buying what they went to iTunes to look for.

So, if you’re spending the money and busting your butt to influence buying decisions and drive traffic, why send them to a digital distributor and give up such a huge percentage on purpose?

YES, OF COURSE, you need to have a presence on all DD’s but drive them to your webstore and let the consumer decide to go somewhere else. At least 45% of them will probably go somewhere else, the rest will buy directly from you where you get 100% of the money.

BTW, don’t be afraid to offer packages and products that aren’t available on digital distribution making it sexier and smarter to buy direct.


7. Zero Bundling On Artist Webstore – Let’s be honest, most of you don’t have a webstore which is 20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes abbeyincredibly idiotic. You’re giving at least 30% of your hard earned revenue to a company to access essentially free 1’s and 0’s.

Those of you that do have a webstore (Kudos!), don’t have bundles.

FACT: 30% of your buyers are willing to be upsold and will purchase more while their credit card is out. That is as long as there is something for them to purchase!

There is a 70% chance you are NOT one of these kinds of people who can be easily upsold, but don’t that be your erroneous, short-sighted reason for leaving money on the table.


8. Ignoring YouTube – YouTube is probably the biggest marketing asset you have available to you and hardly any of you are using it. The ones that do use it aren’t consistently posting videos.

YouTube is your own private TV network, treat it as such.

Many artists break on YouTube.

20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Ditzy

Hardly any have broken on the radio in the last 5 years with the exception of country music and those days are numbered.

Our artist Bailey James is 13 years old and has over 260K views on her YouTube channel and I assure you that was from consistent content with ZERO paid promotion.

That’ll change soon but 260k views and 2,900+ subscribers from just hard work and intelligence isn’t too bad.

There’s at least 2,900 people that want to see her next video enough to subscribe. How many do you have?



9. Zero Marketing – Sadly, MOST indie artists spend every dollar of their precious, limited financial resources making the record and 20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Zero MarketingZERO dollars marketing it.

Sound familiar?

If they do spend any money marketing it is horribly misspent and proportionately upside down.

Good music has rarely if ever found its own audience “organically”.

Somebody, somewhere, somehow was putting the artist works in front of the right group of people to create a little fire in the grassroots.

Whether they PAID for radio promotion, or they PAID for PR to get them on Letterman, Oprah, Jimmy Fallon, Leno, GMA, Rolling Stone, Spin, or they PAID for tour support, or they PAID for a radio promo, these were all strategic calculated marketing plans.

If you got a record deal tomorrow the label would spend around 10% of your total budget making the record and 90% promoting it. Try adjusting your budget to get closer to spending 9 times the recording funds on marketing and see what happens. Even if it means recording just one song.

Any other approach is as asinine as flip flopping the salt and the sugar amounts in any given dessert recipe. If you don’t follow the recipe you’re masterpiece is going to taste like crap.


10. You’re Not Asking the Right Questions – Too many of you are asking yourselves “How can I get my music to the right industry people so I can make it?” or “How do I get 1 million dollars so I can get my shot at fame”.

The questions indie artists should be asking are “Who is my audience?” “Where can I find them?”, “How can I connect with20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Question them?” “What can I do to get them to seriously listen to my music with an open heart and mind?” “Where can I learn the right questions to ask?” and “Where can I learn the answers for the right questions?”

All the marketing power you require is available on your computer and it’s mostly free.

The only thing missing is a good, creative attitude about the project, some education to get you accurately inspired, and then the gumption to get started!

If you don’t know, LEARN. Yes the education is going to cost some money but somehow you managed to get your music recorded and that wasn’t free. If it was free the recording equipment you used wasn’t.

20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Book collageYou’re resourceful, when you really decide to make it happen you’ll find a way, believe me. Some good books to start getting intelligent, accurate marketing strategies are:

Jab, Jab, Jab, RIGHT HOOK: How to Tell Your Story In A Noisy World by Gary Vaynerchuk

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Other Die by Chip Heath & Dan Heath

Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger

Music Marketing on Twitter: How To Get 1,000 Loyal Music Fans Every Month in Just 15 Minutes a Day by yours truly , Johnny Dwinell (this one is free so just click the link and tell me where to send it. You’re welcome)




11. Consistency – Most indie artists are not consistent with social media marketing.20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Consistency


Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Periscope, Facebook, and all social media platforms require consistency and content.

If I were to grow a client’s account without adding content the followers will soon unfollow because there is nothing to consume.

I would be like going to party and the host never shows up so nobody has cocktails and there is no music playing. See Ya! You have to provide regular consistent content or you’ll lose them regardless of how captivating you are.




12. Engagement ­– The days of the mysterious rock star have been over for quite some time now.

20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes BaileyIndie artists need to engage EVERYBODY that engages them.

People still admire creatives but they require more if they meet you through their device.

My amazing 13 year old client Bailey James interacts with every single person that reaches out to her on social media.

They can’t believe it when she does that which makes her look genuine and makes them feel special.

She has over 30k followers on Instagram and every post that little girl puts up averages a SOLID 600 likes and 85 comments per post.

The difference between you and Bailey is she gets it and you’re still making excuses as to why you can’t, why you shouldn’t, or why you won’t.

You’re meeting people for the first time on social media, think of it like a cocktail party.

FACT:  When you meet someone for the first time they won’t remember what you said so much as they will remember how you made them feel. Remember that and your fan responses will instantly change.



13. Lack of Aggression ­– You can’t seriously believe that being antisocial on social media is a smart idea.

Too many Indie artists wait around for people to follow them in a misguided attempt to grow their social media accounts “organically”.20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Aggressivve

Your favorite iconic artists have massive social media followers because they’re famous. Paying millions of dollars to promote these major label artists all over the world is what made them famous which means it was man-made, not organic. Consumers were exposed to an artist and liked what they saw or heard the music and chose to follow that artist.

This approach doesn’t create “organic” traffic, rather it’s targeted to strategic groups of people they think will like the music. The PR convinced them it was cool.

You can promote yourself online via social media and create a similar effect but you have to follow somebody first for crying out loud.

And why not be aggressive this way?

When you do the initial following you are handpicking the people most likely to connect with you.

You’re targeting (remember picking teams on the playground when you were a kid? Some of you did the picking and you picked in a certain order for a reason. Some of you were always the last to be picked you felt horrible. Well, now you’re doing the picking. Pick intelligently and make them feel welcome or they’ll feel like you when you were passed over).

Essentially, you’re deciding who gets invited to your cocktail party. A bunch will follow back if you’re not a douchebag and they’ll stay if you have regular content.



14. Overthinking YouTube – Save the super creative, expensive, big time videos for the single promotion.

20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes OverthinkingThe “I can’t afford a good video” routine is a cop out.

Every week you should be gleaning potential fans from popular videos by doing regular cover songs. Do this via low-cost, easy-to-shoot, one-shot, smart phone videos of you putting your artistic spin on whatever the most popular video will be that week regardless of genre.

In fact, the more disparate your version of the hit song/video is from the original artist, the more compelling it will be.

Study and compare Noah Guthrie’s version of LMFAO’s “Sexy and I Know It” or The Gourd’s version of Snoop Dogg’s “Gin and Juice” to get an idea of what I mean by different.

BTW, Bailey James’ YouTube channel at this moment has one professionally done video with about 3,500 views. 99% of the content is shot with an iPad camera. The most popular videos were shot this way as well. Just sayin’.



15. Annotating YouTube Videos – Here it is plain and simple.

They won’t subscribe if you don’t ask.20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Annotate

They won’t download that free single if you don’t ask.

FACT:  You get 80% of what you ask for in life so why not do it? The worst thing that could happen is they say “no” but then, since its social media, you’ll never deal directly with the rejection.


I recently got the opportunity to work with an AMAZING 14 year old artist name Erin Kinsey. She had 3 videos on her YouTube channel with a total of around 250k views and 1,224 subscribers. They added a 4th video just before Christmas and I annotated all 4 asking for subscriptions.

That 4th video has over 113k views now and her subscriptions jumped 41% in 3 weeks adding 503 new subscribers for a total of 1,727.

All I did was ask.

All the info you need to learn to do this is on the YouTube “Creators” tab.



16. You Think You Own The Information – You don’t own the information.

20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Own Info


Don’t fool yourself.

All your likes and follows may be from your real fans but you don’t own that information, and as such, somebody is going to charge you to access that data at some point if they haven’t already begun to do so (ahem, Facebook).

You need to be regularly trading free downloads in exchange for email addresses and/or phone numbers via squeeze page technology or text capture technology.

Facebook charges you for access to your following. Twitter will do the same, so will Instagram and so on. You have to own the information so you can reach them whenever you want for free, on your terms.





17. Ignoring Periscope – Why?

This is the most amazing app with the most amazing reach and the BEST capability of showing your true soul to your fans.

Be consistent and you’ll build an audience.20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Periscope

Remember, if you’re a pro artist you’re living a life most people only read about in books.

What would it be like for your viewers to experience walking onstage to a packed house of people?

How would your audience react if you told them they were live worldwide on Periscope?

Case Study:  With Bailey James we created an interactive exercise where we asked her social media following to help us pick the 5th song on her upcoming EP. They responded in droves with their choice between 2 songs.We announced the winning song live via Periscope from inside the recording studio on the day we tracked it accomplishing social proof and cool interaction. There were fans from Brazil, Canada, United States, and England on that broadcast. (Boom, drops mic).

Another neat idea is to ask for requests on your social media throughout the week and play 3 of them live at the same time on the same night, every week. When you play a request show a printed S/O to the requestor’s handle and thank them. This adds a vanity aspect to your weekly draw. They’ll want to see if you play their request and mention them. The ones you don’t mention will be excited for their opportunity next week.



18. Missing Live Show Contact Capture – Live shows have the best conversion rate if you’re good.

20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Contact Capture


My good friend Wade Sutton at Rocket To The Stars recently worked with a band that tours so much they have performed over 1,000 shows in 4 years. They had 300 people on their mailing list. That’s like 1 person every 3rd show!

On the contrary we did 1 show with Bailey James at a middle school and received 160 contacts!! We gave away a free download and they just needed to tell us where to send it (translation: we got their email address or phone number).

It was easy.

Is it wrong that when I see a crowd in front of a stage I envision everyone with credit card heads?

Not for nothin’ but the more you do this the more you can reach out to individual markets to let them know you’re coming back to town. Your live draw will increase if you do it until you outgrow the venue. Just a thought.



19. Social Proof ­– 2 things to consider with this.

One is that most of you aren’t putting up enough social proof if you putting up any at all (no doubt because you don’t want to come off as bragging).20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Social Proof 2

Two, you’re putting it up incorrectly and you come off as bragging.

Social proof is anything that proves you’re really doing it and other people are into it.


This includes, reviews, interviews, fan comments from your social media platforms, emails, live show clips, BTS clips (Behind The Scenes), etc. Rather than implying “I’m awesome, check me out” which is bragging, why not give a “Shout Out” to the source of the content?

For instance, “S/O 2 Honkeytonk Central in Nashville for letting us play #Grateful We had a BLAST partying with all of you” with a 15s clip of the show.



20. Not Promoting Interactivity – People want to feel like they’re a part of something.

20 Biggest Indie Artist Marketing Mistakes Interactivity


Get them to interact. You can do this by engaging them.

You can accomplish this with controversial content. For instance, Bailey James posted a YouTube video of Luke Bryan’s “Kick the Dust Up” and it was controversial. I convinced her parents to LEAVE THE NEGATIVE UP and her fans defended the attackers. The result was deeper fan relations.



Also ask to be interactive. Have them send pictures of themselves and POST those pics with a S/O to the fan. This adds a “vanity” aspect to your web traffic. They want to see themselves, man.





Hope You Are Your Only Hope Feature

This is the absolutely most exciting time in the history of the music business. It’s unprecedented because you can create any kind of art you want and bring it to the world with the least amount of roadblocks. If you choose to, as an artist, you can create without a committee. Some of you areHope Exciting Time probably scoffing at that but most of you inadvertently create by committee because you’re too focused on emulating what is popular instead of finding your own voice.


What is popular these days whether it’s good or bad in your subjective opinion, was created by committee.

Finding your own voice is mission critical to true originality.


Finding your own voice is important to me mostly because, like you, I care mostly about ME.


Hope Relating


That is what will make you stand out from the crowd. Your own voice is truly interesting because somewhere in your own story, there are a couple threads, gestures, stories, experiences, downfalls, victories, struggles, and failures that I can relate to.

If I can relate to your reality, instead of a concocted image or alter-ego, our artist-consumer bond will strengthen.



That’s real.


The music business has always been about relationships and most of you are aware of this to point of it becoming a cliché. You think about these relationships in terms of business relationships. However, I would take it a step further and tell you that the music business is now all about relationships with your fans. Deep relationships at that or at least far deeper than a “follow” or a “like”.

 Hope Like Strength Equation 2

The music business used to be about B2C or business to consumer. Now it’s about P2P or people to people.


The artist that focuses on how to do that, how to make the fans feel as if they have a relationship with said artist, is the artist who cracks the Hope Code Laptopcode for success in the NEW music business, You will be the artist that fans will pay money to see live, to download your whole record, and to be a part of your tribe.



Today is so freaking exciting because YOU have the power. YOU have the strength, YOU have access to all the knowledge you choose to seek out, YOU have the ability, YOU have the talent and as long as YOU are willing to do something about it, there is hope.


Hope You Have the Power MEME


Hope that your music will become the soundtrack to a specific beehive of people.


Hope that your song will become my jam.


As long as YOU embrace the challenge of reaching the fans through marketing as seriously as you take the challenge of reaching them through your music, YOU will be successful. There is HOPE


YOU will live your dream.


Hope Dreams Come True





Or at least there is hope that you will live your dream.






I want you to read this excerpt from an amazing book I am reading called The Content Code by Mark W. Schaefer.


This is a marvelous, inspiring period of history when you can shed the traditional burdens of authority and build true influence on the webHope Content Code through your own merits. On the web, nobody cares where you went to college or how much money you have. The color of your skin or your body mass index don’t keep you from connecting to people on your own terms. Your ability to walk or run or even speak doesn’t matter because you can publish.


Yes, you can bring your work of art to a targeted audience of people who are predisposed to liking your style of music.


You can learn the psychological steps a consumer needs to take to internalize your music and make your song their jam.


You can find 1,000 Superfans that will pay $100 per year to experience you in all your glory.

Hope Superfan Meme



The music business will be better for it.




Gone are the days where a couple radio Program Directors decide what you will listen to, what you will like, and ultimately what music will become the soundtrack of your life. Now you get to choose.Hope No Board Of Directors


Gone are the days where a committee of corporate executives get to decide whether you’ll get a record deal and a shot an entertainment career. Now you get to choose.



Taylor Swift said “Today artists get record deals because they have fans, not the other way around.”

Hope Taylor Swift MEME



The internet holds the power of the radio times the whole world. The power to influence is more sophisticated but also more powerful and longer lasting.


It’s more sophisticated because the internet is decidedly NOT broadcasting which is how we are all used to being exposed to new music. The language has to change from what we know and what we’re used to. That will require innovation much like your music.




Playing an instrument well is extremely difficult.


Writing a really good song is extremely difficult because it requires simplicity and economy of words.Hope Guitar Lessons


Singing really well is astoundingly difficult and rare. This is why we are so impressed with musical talent. This is why we put rock stars on pedestals.


They make us feel.

They make us think.

They make our lives better.

Sometimes they make our lives tolerable.


So marketing in the NEW music business can be done well. It has been done well. One has to approach it like the burden they took on to learn to play guitar. I’ll bet most people spent MONEY on lessons, practiced for hours, spent MONEY on guitars, they spent MONEY on amplifiers, straps, guitar stands, cords, pedals, strings, and seasonal maintenance.

Why not marketing?


Hope Guitar Gear License Germanium


Why not approach marketing the same way one would approach learning a new instrument with all the costs and time involved in acquiring the necessary gear and attention to learning how to make it work correctly?


What would happen if a bunch of artists took on the challenge of reaching fans and treated it like the art form that it is?


What would happen if these forward thinking artists truly understood the difference between the art of connecting with someone through music and the art of connecting with someone through the internet?

Hope Code


What would happen if they spent the same amount of time and money learning to master music marketing as they did to master their instrument?

Connecting with fans is easy and sadly, most artists ignore that.


Deepening the relationship is more challenging.


Once an artist master the art of creating Superfans, they will own the world.


The internet is more powerful because one video can be seen by fans all over the globe as opposed to restricted to one market like a radio station or one country like MTV.


Never before has the music industry been more pregnant with opportunity for any artist who is smart enough to see the writing on the wall.

Hope the Unheard


Since most artists either can’t see it or choose to ignore it, the performers that do embrace the learning and master marketing will easily rise above the din of the abundant unheard.


I just giggled at that.


Separate yourself from the unheard.


There is hope for the artists who are smart enough, driven enough, and that really work towards getting their music heard.


This is the most exciting time in the music business but code you have to crack has changed, man.Hope Dreams flag


I say it’s exciting because you are the only one standing in your way; just you and your excuses.


You have access to all the tools, all the education, and all the methodologies you need to find your real voice in your music, create that music, and master the art of exposing your music to a targeted audience.


Hope Access


You are your only hope.


The artists that become aware will become successful.


The artists who choose to remain naïve will disappear amongst the unheard.






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Path Adamant or Ignorant Feature

We humans are super stubborn especially when it comes to certain paths we take, we’re truly wired up that way.Path Donkey


You’ve heard the expression “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, right?




Think about this for a second:



Path Democrat Republican


We’re adamant about being a Democrat or Republican.


We’re adamant about being a vegan or a meat eater.

Path Chevrolet Ford


We’re obstinate about Ford vs. Chevrolet


Some of us have deep loyalties about Fender vs Gibson.


Path Fender vs Gibson


We’re adamant about the manner in which we handle our relationships (most if not all of us need consistent improvement on that, present company INCLUDED).

Quite often we are unwavering on these ideals and we don’t even know why. We don’t have an opinion that is based on any kind of facts or accurate information, we just do what our parents did.


We follow the crowd we hang out with.

Path Lincoln Quote


We staunchly support an ideal and we have done exactly ZERO research for ourselves.


I saw it on Facebook, so it must be true.



WAY too many artists are adamant about the path they are taking to climb the ladder of success in their careers.

Path No Excuses


They’re understandably resolute in their approach because they’ve experienced and seen the manner in which all their favorite, life-changing, iconic artists have come into their awareness.

But, when does adamant turn into ignorance?


It’s GOOD to be inflexible with regards to achieving your goals. This creates perseverance. When I was an artist there was no musician, girl, business deal, booking agent, tragedy, manager, label suit, sickness, injury, or excuse that I would give permission to stand in my way. No plan B. Only forward motion.


If you’re stubborn about achieving the goal, that’s awesome. If you’re unyielding on the path you’ve chosen to get there, you’re ignorant.


The path constantly changes in real life.

Path Don Henley Quote MEME

The path gets refined as you become more aware of what is really going on.


Many of you think you’re determined to succeed but really, as Don Henley says, “That’s just some people talking”.

Too many of you are blissfully clueless when it comes to any kind of discernible business plan to bring your amazing music to market.




Sadly, most of you that have any semblance of a process or business plan to expand the awareness of your music in a market are working with outdated and inaccurate information.

Path blind


You’re refusing to recognize this fact.


You’re sticking to your current path.

How’s that working for you?


What metrics are you using to measure your forward progress?


Did you sell more CD’s this year than last year?


Are you selling more tickets this year as opposed to 2014?Path Measure it Manage It Ruler

If you can measure it, you can manage it.


Do you have a reasonable, credible plan in place for 2016?


How is your song going to become my jam?


My father says that journeys like life or a business plan are living, breathing, entities in constant need of cultivation and reevaluation.  John Sr. says a journey is similar to the flight path of a butterfly in that it’s never in a straight line.


Path Butterfly


The butterfly that embarks on a voyage across a field of flowers will fly here, then fly there, fly forward, then backward, zigzagging, advancing and retreating until finally it reaches the other side.


A butterfly is never steadfast about the path. Untiring towards the goal, but open for suggestion and often unwillingly relocated by the winds of change along the way.



I’ve mentioned this in past blogs, but a great example of this was an experiment done in the 1940’s designed to gather information on what makes a person really lucky or really unlucky.

Path Lucky

The results were astounding.


Generally speaking, unlucky people are firmly entrenched in their pathway, blind to any outside anomalies or fluctuations happening around them.



Lucky people were more prone to take it all in, pay attention to everything, and learn.


Open for suggestion.


The experiment asked people to respond to a newspaper ad requesting people reply if they felt they were generally lucky or generally unlucky. The respondents would be paid handsomely.


In the experiment, the whole group was given a newspaper and asked to count the number of images that were printed in the paper. They were instructed to hand in their answers once they finished and they would be paid $250 (again, this was in the 1940’s, I think, so that was big money).

The people who felt they were generally unlucky took an average of 2 minutes to complete the task.


The people who were generally lucky took an average of 15 seconds.


What was the reason for the disparity in the length of time required to complete the task?


Path More Than Good Music Meme


In the newspaper, on page 2, was a black and white ad in huge block letters that read, “THERE ARE 48 IMAGES IN THIS NEWSPAPER, THERE IS NO NEED TO KEEP COUNTING. PLEASE WRITE THIS DOWN, HAND YOUR PAPER INTO THE INSTRUCTOR AND COLLECT YOUR $250 CHECK.”


See my point?

The people that were ignorantly resolute on the guidelines (A.K.A. the path) continued to count all the images never seeing the ad with the answer because it wasn’t an image.



The answer wasn’t what they were looking for, rather, they were looking for images. Opportunities don’t always come looking like what you’d thought they should.


Get it?

What’s your plan of attack to make a living at your artistry?


While I’m quite sure you’re determined to never quit until you reach your goal, how resolute are you to the tactics you’re using to get there?


Don’t be a moron.

Don’t be naïve.

Plain and simple.

Path Consumers Like You MEME


Don’t mistake technologies that offer new ways for artists to connect with fans as the grand solution that will save the failing music industry and thus, your lot in life.

Consumers need reasons to like and stand behind an artist, not a new technological platform. When they have the reason, believe me the platform will not matter, they will find what they want.


How are all these artist platforms working for you?


Are they getting you paid?

Do you know anybody that knows anybody who BROKE on Pandora, Spotify, Bandzoogle, Reverbnation, iTunes, etc.?


If you’re #1 in Kalamazoo for alternative country on Reverbnation how does that translate with regards to your bank account?


Now you may say, “Johnny, we make art for the sake of art so the sales don’t matter, the recognition is what matters.”


Path Blue Ribbon MemeWell, somehow, at this moment, you’re paying your bills with something.


Where did those funds come from?


What if your current bosses decided to stop paying you in exchange for blue ribbon each pay period?




Can you imagine?


What would you do if this happened?



You’d have to, wouldn’t you?


My point is that somehow, some way, you found out how to get paid for a job that you’d probably rather not do if you don’t straight up hate it.


Why on earth wouldn’t you want to find a way to get paid to be an artist?


Path StruggleIf you’re struggling that means you aren’t getting paid or you aren’t getting paid enough to survive.

If you’re just getting paid with some BS form of technological praise, I submit to you that the praise you receive PLUS $2.52 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.


Change your path.


Change it often.


It took Edison an average of 1,000 experiments to obtain the successes he needed for EACH of his 2,332 patents.


Path Edison MEME




How may experiments have you tried to get paid for your music?



My guess is the first one, perhaps the only one, the one you’re on now, isn’t working well enough.









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Will Feature Image

I date a beautiful first grade teacher of 17 years who has two amazing daughters that are 11 and 8 years old.   The first week of this past October, it was their school fall break, so I took them up to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for a couple days to see where I grew up. Lake Geneva is a beautiful, Will Lake Geneva Collagequaint, little tourist town nestled against a large natural lake with AMAZING homes on it (The Wrigley’s estate, the Walgreen’s estate, etc.) I contacted a former co-worker of mine (from a killer restaurant I used to bartend at 25 years ago) who remained in the thriving hospitality industry up there to get a deal on a resort room for the 2 nights we were going to stay. My friend, Geri, had married a guy named Lee who was a GM at one of the resorts. Geri was really a former co-worker and acquaintance to me, but a life-long friend to my little sister who also worked at this same restaurant with Geri and me at one point.


Geri came through, I got a sweet room at this amazing resort overlooking the breathtaking views of Lake Geneva for 50% off. This was accomplished through a small but succinct set of text messages.


1 week later my little sister texted me to tell me Geri had a brain aneurysm and Lee was about to pull the plug on life support.


My first thought: W…T…F

I still had those texts from just one week ago.

Geri had to be close to my age, give or take 3-5 years.


Will HeartbeaatIt’s at a moment like this I count my blessings and I take great solace in the fact that I wasn’t afraid to take risks in my life. Maybe that’s weird, but these are the things I think about when faced with my mortality (I don’t have kids of my own).

It’s true you know, on your death bed, the ONLY thing you will regret in life are the risks you didn’t take.



No one ever thought, “Whew, I’m glad I followed all the rules and flew below the RADAR screen of society my whole life.”


This past Friday, like everyone else in the world, I stared on with disbelief at the horrific events that happened in France.Will France Flag


There were people attending a huge soccer game, people out to eat with their families, and people attending a rock concert that were all senselessly and purposefully wiped out.






France has far stricter gun laws that the USA, if you weren’t aware.

Will gun control


So these people were exterminated by illegal handguns, illegal automatic weapons, and illegal explosives.


It was illegal and still, they were destroyed.



Who cares why? David Letterman said it best after the 9/11 attacks when he said (and I’m paraphrasing), “If you live to be 1,000 years old, will you EVER make any sense of this?”Will_David_Letterman


I mentioned the gun control statement not to start a political rant, but to open your eyes to the bigger picture beyond guns.


Your life is short and promised to no one.


Too many of you are drinking whatever Kool-Aid you prefer and not paying attention to what’s really going on.


Here’s what’s really going on:  You’re wasting time.


Will Wasting Time


Regardless of what your government says they’re going to do to protect you. Short of putting all 7 billion of us on the planet in straightjackets to shield us from each other, if someone truly wants to damage you they can and they will.


Life is never going to be fair in this regard.


So the question is, what are YOU going to do about it?Will Straightjacket Collage


Any lawman will tell you most crimes are crimes of opportunity, which means you did something stupid and left yourself vulnerable. This stupidity was unfortunately recognized by a criminal mind and the situation was exploited.


The first day I moved to California, I was staying in Venice. At the end of the night I had the wherewithal to remove the face of my car stereo and placed it in its case, however, I left the case on the passenger seat like a moron. Next day I awoke to a busted window, no stereo face, and mangled dashboard from the rookie who tried unsuccessfully to pull the unit.


That one was on me. It was preventable.


What isn’t preventable is when someone REALLY wants to hurt you. When that situation arises, you can only take care of yourself.


I’ve never owned a gun and I don’t hunt (hunting in Wisconsin = COLD).


The gun control arguments on both sides are laughable. My problem with these debates has nothing to do with guns.


It has to do with the byproduct of too much control (of any kind) which is creating a society of victims who rely and/or blame someone or something else for their lot in life.Will Concentration Camps License Rodrigo Galindez

When we don’t take responsibility for our own happiness, love, safety, health, mental health, job, life mission, etc., someone else will, I promise.

The more your government, parents, friends, lovers, etc. step in to protect, the more humans will rely on that and not do for themselves.



We’re just wired up that way.


Nobody is responsible for you but you.


And just like us all, you are broken.

Will something Broken MEME

We are all broken.


Maggie Rose wrote, “Life’s full of broken things, like hearts, homes, and dreams. We all come from something broken,”


You’re health, your heart, your home, it doesn’t matter, because you’re just like everyone else.


What will define you is how you play the hand you were dealt.


Will you choose to believe the media, the governments of the world, and your naysaying friends when they tell you someone or something else is responsible for your unhappiness?


Will Pressure


It’s easier to think that. Takes the pressure off of you, right?

You don’t have to do the work but you do have to live with the consequences.




My friend Geri and those unfortunate people in France all stupidly lost their lives too early.


Their loss of life was not their fault.


How they lived their lives up until that last moment was.


I don’t know any of the victims in France. I do know that Geri led a wonderful life. She had grown kids and fostered a loving marriage to her best friend, Lee.

Will Meaning of Life MEME. License Leland Francisco

Photo: Leland Francisco


I hate that she had to go.


I love what she did right up until that moment.


Want to know what the meaning of life is?


I know the answer. It’s easy.


You are a mission critical cog in the wheel of advancing human society.

Will Society MEME


Your job is to be a little smarter, a little wiser, a little worldlier, a little more creative, and a little more aware than your parents were. (For some of you, maybe you’re a LOT more of these things.)






STOP thinking about what you don’t have.


STOP blaming your parents, past events, sickness, trauma, blah, blah, blah.Will Stop Hand


STOP waiting around for something to happen to you and START making something happen FOR you.


START working with what you have in front of you right now.


START making moves right now.


You cannot change yesterday.


You cannot predict the future.


The only thing you can control is RIGHT NOW.



Will butts



You need knowledge and you need to apply that knowledge to become more powerful.


We all come from something broken so your excuses for not accomplishing what you want to accomplish are like butts, EVERYBODY HAS ONE AND THEY ALL STINK.



1,000 years of additional, positive, forward progress in our advanced society will not change the fact that one cannot guarantee your safety or any kind of equal outcome to your life experience.Will Downloading Future


So blaming anyone but yourself is futile.


It’s still going to be up to the individual to craft the results of their life.



Will BurglarIllegal guns, drugs, alcohol, knives, bombs, automobiles, and hurtful words choices designed strategically for the purposes of emotional abuse will not change the fact that if someone wants to hurt you they can and they will.


So it’s on you.


Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.





Who are you authorizing to make you feel bad, inadequate, pathetic, or downright horrible?Will Consent Quote

Is it family?


The news channels?

Your government?





What risks have you been putting off?


What are you scared of?

It’s time to love deeper and forget the B.S.

It’s time to be the kind of friend you’d like to have.

It’s time to start working on your dream; start that band, finish that song, record that demo, learn how to market your music, etc.


What would be going through your mind if you were one of the victims in France with an illegal AK-47 to the back of their head just before you were executed?


What would’ve been your regret?Will Cowboy Up

Life is a full contact sport and nobody gets out alive.


Don’t give anyone permission to take your happiness away and put it in the hands of anyone else.


You cowboy up and take the good with the bad.

Will Rocky collage


You’re going to screw up, we all screw up.



Get over it.

You’re going to fail, we all fail more than we succeed.


Get over it.


You’re going to have to get back up again, shake it off, and learn from the mistake.


It’s a scientific fact that the big win, the big score, the game-changer in your life will absolutely happen immediately following a failure that you had to recover from.

Will No Traffic Jams Extra Mile


Don’t wait, man.

You’re life is almost over.



You’re out of time.


There are no roadblocks in the extra mile. If you’re feeling them, you haven’t driven far enough.


Get to it.








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Respect Feature Image

I see too many artists asking for and/or demanding respect.

Respect Scrabble Thomas Haynle License 2

Photo by Thomas Haynle


I have come into contact with endless throngs of people throughout my life experience that DEMAND respect because of their job title, social position, or just because they’re so damn narcissistic that they really think everyone should respect them.


Why do people do this?



Do you think this way?

Real respect has to be earned. It doesn’t automatically come with a title or a gig regardless of what anybody thinks.

Respect Boss Pixabay


Think about the boss you’ve had or have who is an idiot. You know he/she is an idiot. You feign respect to appease his/her ego and to satisfy office politics so you can keep your job and a calmer work environment.


But they don’t have your respect do they?


Respect Selfish Love MEME

Do you want to be respected superficially or do you want to be genuinely respected?



As an artist.

As a songwriter.

As a lover.

As a significant other.

As a musician.

As a parent.

As a confidant.

As a boss.

As a teammate.


Do you want 2 handfuls of BS or do you really want people to look up to you?

Respect is about altruism.

Respect Equals Altruism Meme


When you truly have the other person’s best interests at heart, as opposed to your own agenda, you sow the seeds for admiration.


Think about that in terms of the relationships you are trying to make online with your fans.

Are you truly thinking about them or yourself?


Respect Cracking the Code


When you make it about them you will crack the code for online marketing and social media marketing.


Selflessness is a trait that will always manifest the keys to everybody’s heart and soul.



Sometimes the other person will take advantage of your selflessness which means sometimes you have to pull back to protect your energy.

I get it.

I’ve had to do that often, unfortunately.Respect Altruism MLK Quote MEME



Even if that happens, which is the worst feeling, I promise you have touched them, regardless of their inability to acknowledge the gesture. Know that.

Respect also comes from truth.


Respect From Truth MEME


We respect people that are true to themselves.


We stand in quiet awe of someone who has a real deep grasp of their authentic self; they seem more at peace.

Respect Awe Steve Jurvetson License

Photo: Steve Jurvetson

We naturally gravitate towards the people in our lives who are comfortable in their own skin.


It’s a positive energy attraction. Some of us can’t articulate why we are so attracted but we ALL respond.


Respect Law of Attraction


The Law of Attraction.


We respond because on some subconscious level, we recognize the WORK that person has put into THEMSELVES.




Most people don’t have the stones to face a mirror, define the traits that they wish to change about themselves (to become a more impeccable person), and take action towards self-improvement.

Respect Cracked Mirror Alejandro Hernandez License

Photo: Alejandro Hernandez



Life just seems to get in the way, doesn’t it?

Seriously addressing the things we want to change about ourselves pisses us off.


At least it pissed me off.

Respect Pissed Off Commons


I had to change though or I was going to continue down a path of confusion and that would manifest itself in the form of bad behavior and poor decision making.




It still pisses me off because I am still learning.





About music.Respect Songwriter Music FREE image 2

About artists.

About marketing.

About the music business.

About relationships.

About people.

It’s hard to put a mirror up in front of your face and deal with the reality I don’t care who you are.

Respect Mirror 2 Jason Rogers License

Photo: Jason Rogers



The champions, the icons, the respected community elders, the leaders, and the life changing teachers have all gone through this because nobody is born perfect and nobody has all the tools they need to improve.


You have to search for the utensils and then do the work on yourself.Respect Tools






We adore our favorite artists and their seemingly effortless performances. That phenomenon is a result of years of WORK. Often we fail to recognize the work behind the veneer because we are only exposed to the veneer.

They make it look easy.

Respect Performance Kryziz Bonny License

Photo: Kryziz Bonny

True greatness is not veneer, it’s a lifetime of work and focus spent on something that makes us happy.


This is why we respect them so much. Not because they should be respected.



Because they command respect.

 There’s a difference between demanding respect and commanding respect.


The bright lights disdain people who feel their title should come with respect whatever title that is…

Respect Bright Light Steve Jurvetson License

Photo: Steve Jurvetson


We absolutely gravitate to the people we genuinely FEEL a reverence for.

We respect them because they’re real


We respect them because they’re HONEST

Respect Greatness Quote Bill Sodeman License

Image: Bill Soderman


We respect them because they found a way to feel comfortable in their own skin

Which is to say that they HAVE DONE THE WORK on themselves

The bright lights recognize this even when they cannot articulate it. THEY RESPOND TO GREATNESS






They are solid.

This is you. Respect Chiefs

This is what you have in you.

This is your potential.

But you have to do the work

As a musician.

Respect Black Trumpeter Musican FREE Pixabay


As a songwriter.

As a singer.

As an artist.

As a parent.

As a lover.



As a significant other.

Respect Italian Lovers Francisco Osorlo license

Photo: Francisco Osorlo

As a marketer.

As a business person.




The work has to be honest, genuine, and heartfelt. In other words, you have to do the work because you have to do the work, NOT because you should do the work or you’re told to do the work.


Forget about avoiding the work or trying to “find a way around the system”.


Respect Cheating Cards Commons


That’s false.


You Can’t CHEAT

While we can’t always be clear as to why, we ALL definitely recognize and respond to posers.


Whether they are posers in life or posers in art, we find superficial people to be weak, gross, and unattractive.Respect Superficial


Even those of you who run with the superficial, you wish you could get out.

You wish you could rise above.

You can, ya know.


Start working on yourself and the rest will fall into place.

Respect Google Answers Anna Jumped License

Image: Anna Jumped

The answers you seek for your life are hidden in the work.


The answers you seek for your art are hidden in the work.

The respect you desire from your fans, your family, your significant other, your team, your band, and peers is hidden in the work.Respect Rockstar Pixabay


It’s all right there, man.




Respect Asphalt Martin Abegglin License

Image: Martin Abegglin




The question is will you demand respect or command respect?











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Emotion Event Feature image 2

I have found that one of the key skill sets to success is learning how to separate the emotion from the event in certain business and life scenarios. Emotion heart beat stick figure image

I refined this concept while occupying a National Sales Director position for nationwide short sale corporation.

Stay with me on this, ok?

After the 2008 mortgage meltdown there were millions of homeowners who found themselves in the unenviable position of having to sell their home when they were “upside down” on the mortgage.

In plain English they owed more, sometimes much more, than what the property was worth.

Emotion Short Sale


Almost all the time these good people could put themselves in a FAR better real-time financial situation by short selling their house and moving, thus, dramatically lowering their monthly housing costs.


Often times they could keep the SAME lifestyle.



Sometimes they could move across the street to rent an equal size home, with equal amenities, for HALF of what their monthly mortgageEmotion Half a Payment payment was costing them on their current house.

How would you feel if you could cut your monthly mortgage or rent payment in HALF without really changing your lifestyle or neighborhood?


Sounds like a no-brainer, right?

Emotion Duh Einstein



It was the most baffling exercise in communication I have ever gone through.

Homeowners had a problem separating the emotion from the event.


They would say, “Our kids grew up [are growing up] here”.angry-woman

A valid point.

I would remind them that a house was simply a building and their family made it a “home”. They would make a home anywhere.

They would say, “We like this school system and don’t want to move our kids”.

Another valid concern. (Even though nobody was suggesting their kids should change schools.)




The simple FACT that all these good people were facing was that their investment in the American Dream had gone horribly wrong.

Emotion Home is Where The Heart is


If they moved they could get out from under a HUGE investment debt that had begun to destroy their financial future, as opposed to cultivating equity. All this came at a monthly cost that was literally TWICE what they could get for the EXACT same lifestyle if they sold (eliminating the bad debt), rented a comparable property, and began to rebuild their finances.



The truth is their pride was hurt because they were financially wounded with the property.


Often times this was due to financial circumstances that were out of their control.


Often times this was due to horrible financial decisions they had made.


Either way, the damage was the same.

Often times they were subconsciously punishing themselves for getting into the position.

Emotion Guilt


Many ended up in foreclosure which was far worse for their credit rating and completely PREVENTABLE.


Get it?

They were scared to move so they screwed themselves.Emotion Scared will set you free


Artists and songwriters do this too, and they do it often.


How many of you are being held back because your good friend is the weak link in the act?


How many of you are hurting your brand because your artist child wants to put everything it ever creates up on the world’s refrigerator before its ready lest you be judged?

Emotion Poor Quality



How many of you are creating product with poor quality (horrible sonic quality, shoddy performances, amateur arrangements, etc.) because of whatever excuse?



How many of you are so busy lamenting the fact that your careers are not going the way you pictured they would (or should), that you’re Emotion Missed Opportunitiescompletely missing the opportunities and strategies that will effectively get them going?

How much energy are you spending on the emotion vs. action towards the event?


How many of you are procrastinating or avoiding taking action because you are unsure of exactly what it will look like when you’re done?


If you want to be an artist than BE AN ARTIST.


Emotion I Am A Writer

 If you want to be a writer than BE A WRITER.

Stop riding the fence and GET IN THE GAME.



This statement sounds like it should be filed in the “easier said than done” category but let’s look at the rest of your life.

Let’s dissect the destructive phrase “Easier said than done”.Emotion Easier Said Than Done


What if you approached your current job with the same attitude that you approach your fledgling artist career?


What if you called your boss and told him you weren’t feeling it today?

Emotion Boss

What if you told your boss you weren’t coming in because you were scared?

You know, scared of dropping a tray of food or drinks, making the wrong cocktail, measuring once and cutting twice on your construction gig, or scared of learning some new software process they are requiring.


Would you have a job?



Of course not.  So you go to work even though you don’t have a clear picture of what your day is going to look like and you get through it.

You already KNOW how to separate the emotion of your daily job from the daily events that occur.

Some of them are great events.

Some of them are nasty events.Emotion Paycheck

Some of the bad events happen EVERY DAY for crying out loud (don’t we all have that douchebag at work we have to tolerate?)

You still push forth every day, on a consistent basis and do what you have to do and you get your results.

A paycheck.


You pay your bills.


You do it again.

Logically speaking, if you would apply the same predictably mundane climb, up the staircase of faith you do at your day job to your music career you would begin to see magnificent results.

Emotion Staircase of Faith


Take a deep breath and let me ask you this.


Why do so many of you place the hopes of your future career on meeting “the right people” that will do it all for you?



I mean those drinks aren’t going to make themselves.

That board isn’t going to measure and cut itself.

That food isn’t going to deliver itself to your table out there.

That new software isn’t going to learn itself.


Why do you expect anyone in the music business to jump in and help you for free when you clearly won’t do it yourself?


Why would you expect anyone you don’t know in the music industry to help you for free when you don’t expect anyone you know to do your job Emotion Help Yourselffor you at your regular job?

Or do you?

How is it that you can separate the emotion from events occurring in your day job but you’re afraid to make a move in your artist career?


Is it because you just can’t see EXACTLY how it will look?


Why are you not as fearful about these SAME issues at your day job?

I mean, who knows what could happen, right?

Emotion Unknown


Where do you get the courage to consistently go to work and face the terrifying unknown, but fail to execute this same brave behavior with your artist career?




I’ve got news for you.


You will never know EXACTLY how it will work out at your day job or your artist career.

Your artist career will NEVER develop EXACTLY as you planned it.


Your boss doesn’t want you to make the same mistakes over and over. He/she expects you to learn at your position and improve.praying-hands-Pencil

In fact your current boss is banking on that concept with you.

For some of you (and you know who you are), your bosses have more faith in your abilities to learn and improve at your day job than you have in yourself to learn and improve your artist career.


Whoa, let that one soak in a bit.


You are going to have to get serious about your artist career and change your behavior if you expect to see real results.

Emotion Einstein Mistakes quote


You are going to have to work smarter.

You are going to have make some mistakes.

You are going to have to invest time and money.

You are going to have to pay for some training so you can LEARN to be better.Emotion Paid Training


You are going to have to do this yourself and create momentum.


I promise, once you have some momentum, the “important people” you seek will appear.


Emotion Momentum


They will come to you.


You will have far more leverage in a relationship like that then you would have if you seek them with your hat in your hand.



The difference between artists and professional artists is simply commerce by definition.


The rest of the details will naturally, organically improve if you have a heart beat and a brain.

Your art will get better.


Your business acumen will develop.

Your relationships will develop.



Things that once were foreign and unimaginable will become second nature to you, like tying your shoes or tuning a guitar.

Yes, you will have to work extra hours above and beyond the demands of your day job.



Welcome to the world of professional artists.


Professionals are all in, man, and don’t get me wrong, they get pissed off when things don’t go their way.

But they press on.Emotion Just Believe In Your Dreams

There is no such thing as “spare time”

There is no such thing as “free time”

There is only life time, so don’t waste it by avoiding what you love to do.


I mean, you already know how to separate the emotion from the event.






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Worth You're Worth it Pad paper

Have you ever met someone and been a little jealous or coveting of their art?  The truth is you are probably envious of their ability to “tap in” to themselves in a manner that you haven’t discovered yet.  They seem to control an instinctive ability to create at a higher level than you at that moment, which makes their art seem more valuable in some way; like it’s worth more.Worth jealous of stupid thinks

I assure you they are not superior to you and “level of  talent” has very little to do with their success.

They don’t possess some unique exceptional magical gift for creation. They have just worked more than you have at that particular moment; that’s what is upsetting.

They’re farther along in their artistic journey than you right now.

Trust me, you are no different than them. We’re all human beings.

Worth Vulnerable


They’re presently more vulnerable than you. At least they’re vulnerable enough artistically, to really feel, and therefore act, as if no matter what the outcome the journey was worth it.


This mindset creates the artistic courage we all find so intriguing, important, and attractive.



The good news is that you can learn to access that creative space too.

It’s not magic, man.


It’s a methodology, a work ethic, a process if you will.

It’s an internal articulation of what your short time on this Earth is supposed to be about coupled with enough crazy curiosity and pioneering passion to plow through, and ultimately survive, the initial learning curve.Worth Learning Curve

Every learning curve comes with humiliating self-conscious trauma (fear).

How do you deal with this inevitable misery?

Is it debilitating to you or is it an annoying speed bump on your journey?

John Lennon and Paul McCartney admittedly sucked at writing songs for “the first 50 or so” and then found their artistic groove together.

That happened after at LEAST 50 crappy songs.

How many have you written?

Worth Beatles Hamburg


Another Beatles fact is they embarked on many residencies in Hamburg, Germany at several clubs where they played 7 days a week, 8 hours a night.


I don’t care who you are, when you play that much you get better.

You get better at being musicians.Worth Get Better image

Your live show gets better.

You become professional.

You become a student of the game.



My version of Hamburg was club tours.  I did it for 7 years of my life. I can tell you a magical “swagger” happens with any act after they string 20 shows back to back.

We see it here in Nashville in the lower Broadway honkytonks.  We have seen many artists transform into consummate professionals in that grind.

Worth Lower Broadway Nashville


We literally have told artists who are about to experience their first month long tour that their lives are going to change forever. When they return from that tour they actually walk differently, carry themselves differently, and behave differently.


It really is a transformation.


They have earned the right to call themselves professionals.

Many of you are making excuses to yourselves right now as to why you can’t do it.

I got news for you, you’re right!

Worth whether you think you can or you can't you're right


Many of you reading this are getting PUMPED UP and motivated to find a way to win because you believe you can do it.

I got news for y’all too, you’re right!


Yes it’s a grind.

A necessary adventure in my opinion, because after going through something like that you really earn your perspective.

Most artists, and I really mean MOST artists don’t and won’t work that hard or that much on their careers. They are crippled with the conflict between life-pragmatism, hater’s voices, an understandable need for ROI (Return On Investment initially involving their time and then their money), and their ultimate dream to be a professional artist.


If the labor is worth the effort you will naturally work harder simply to satisfy an internal sense of wonder, excitement, or curiosity.Worth You are good enough believe it

Here’s the key, the work is only worth the effort if you believe that you’re worth it.




That one stings a little, huh?


Worth Henry Ford Too Many Men are afraid

Henry Ford had an 8th grade education and went bankrupt multiple times, so what?


Abraham Lincoln went bankrupt, so what?


Walt Disney went bankrupt too, so what?


 They believed their mission was worth all the suffering they had to endure along the journey.



Don Quixote believed in his heart and soul that the windmills were enemies.  He also truly believed, as crazy as it sounds, that HE was the man worthy enough to defeat them.


Artistic curiosity coupled with a consistent work ethic creates an atmosphere where artists discover themselves.

The reality is all your favorite artists were not born into this world being amazing artists.

Some of them had an incredible artistic talent, some of them had very mediocre talent. Some of you are thinking there are popular artists that have no talent; to which I say, “All the greater accomplishment”.

ALL of your favorite artists had to work hard at their art to become artists.


They sought and found help because they felt they were worth it.

So should you, and you’re worth it.Worth I was Born for this

They had to develop their lyric writing abilities.

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their melodic sensibilities.

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their vocal control and instrumental prowess.

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their live show.Worth it's not easy but its worth it

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their business acumen.

So do you, and you’re worth it.


So who’s helping you?Worth Mentor Wanted

Worth Whose Helping you

Stay In Tune.



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Quality vs Quantity Feature image

All too often I see artists overcome the common hurdle of funding their recording budget only to fail miserably at project management. They’re engrossed with recording a full length CD so they focus on how to achieve that goal within their budget parameters.  They choose quantity over quality.Quality vs Quantity Scale image

Professionally this is a poor choice.

What’s your intent?

Do you want to be received as a professional artist or do you want to record a vanity project?

If you intend to sell your project you need to accept the fact that you are competing with all your favorite artists, the ones who inspired you.

Quality stand out in a crowdIt has to be GREAT or you will not stick out of the crowd.

Your mother and your friends will understand how and why your project sounds amateur.

Consumers won’t care.

If the songs don’t blow them away and the record doesn’t sonically sound amazing they won’t buy it.

If consumers don’t buy it that obviously means that they are not listening to it.Quality no buy image

If they’re not listening to the music that means you have a vanity project.

Vanity means it’s just for you, your friends, and your family.

Which is totally fine.

Unless your dream was to make a living making music.

This requires commerce.



Quality Steve Jobs quote


It’s confusing to me to hear artists wax on about how they want to record albums like their heroes did, back when they “made the records they wanted to make”.  However, the artists they speak of were on major labels with incredible infrastructure in all aspects of the record making process.


These heroes wrote world class songs (often with hit songwriters).

They worked with world class musicians (often not the same musicians in the band)

They worked with professional engineers, and producers.

Then they recorded in world class studio facilities.

So they “made the records they wanted to make” with a quality-tested team of professionals who earn a living every day making records (which is a vastly different skill set than recording music)

Quality Professionalism Consistency of quality


Don’t you think this is an important fact to consider?


I mean this is your dream, right?


These are your babies, aren’t they?


If you want your project to be competitive you will not be able to accomplish this in a home studio all by yourself.

Your undying admiration for music and a Pro-Tools rig is nowhere near enough, you’re going to need experience.

The good news is that it is easier and less expensive than ever before to access quality professionals and create your epic masterpiece.

A little consideration towards project management can go a LONG way to making the dent you need to attract major attention in this business.


Attention from consumers.


Attention from the industry.


Quality over Quantity

Quality Universe quoteI constantly see artists screw up their projects from the get-go. They feel they HAVE to record a full length CD because that’s always been their “dream”.

Was the dream really to record 10 songs, or was the dream to be a professional artist who finds an audience and makes a living selling their music to their fan base?

The problem is a smaller budget won’t allow for quality AND quantity so they erroneously choose quantity and go “shopping” for a place that will take their limited finances and deliver a 10 song CD.


I promise, if you are looking for a studio that will charge $250/song or $25/song YOU WILL FIND IT.  Your tracks will suffer greatly but you will indeed have a 10 song CD.


Did you win or lose?


What if you focused on quality instead of quantity?

CASE STUDY: We were approached by an amazing Canadian singer/songwriter named Tanya Marie Harris.  It was time for her to record her next project.  I remember her saying, “Johnny, for what you and Kelly are charging me for 2 songs, I could record a whole CD up here in Toronto.” I remember preparing my usual response of “Well, we aren’t your guys then” when she followed up with “but it would be mediocre and I need something awesome. This is my last shot and I want these tracks to blow people away.”Quality Tanya Marie Harris

We did exactly that.

Tanya recorded 2 songs and is currently building a real career on the strength of those tracks.  She recorded “A Woman Scorned” and “Secondhand Dreams” which currently has almost 2 million YouTube views and is getting more spins on radio every day.

Tanya is touring constantly.

Tanya signed a deal with a Nashville management company.

She made a dent.

Quality make a dent in the Universe


Professional recordings mean that you’re a professional.


How nice would it be to hand someone your recordings WITHOUT a disclaimer?





To quote Steve Jobs, “Quality is better than quantity.  One home run is better than 2 doubles”

FYI, he put his money where his mouth is. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built their very first run of Apple computers out of Wozniak’s garage.  They had a limited budget and chose to manufacture 50 quality computers over a quantity of 500 of a lesser quality. The rest is history.


What are you after, home runs or doubles?


Find a quality team.


Stay in tune.


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 They say that one really can’t be successful until they get their mind, body, and spirit “in tune”.

in tune mind body spirit triangle

What does that mean exactly?

If an instrument is not in tune it is displeasing to the ear. Hell, it evokes hostility in Kelly and me. It induces uncomfortable feelings of dis-ease and horror, plugging of the ears, tilted heads in an audience, and empty rooms. A listener cannot be attracted to music for too long if there is utter dissonance.file4671348049272

The same is true for your life and your artist career.


Think about that, it’s worth repeating, the SAME is true for your life and your artist career!

You have to learn to get in tune and stay in tune or you become unattractive.

I would have to say that for an artist (because we all crave attention and acceptance) becoming unattractive is probably the single most frightening scenario imaginable.

When one’s life is out of tune, the ripple effects are debilitating and constantly problematic.

Do you feel like this with your career sometimes?

I think “in tune” means several things to an artist.



The Mind



I think that your mind has to really be in tune with your artistry.  Many artists never accomplish this (even though everyone of ‘em thinks they have).

Many artists are vague about exactly where their respective artistic lane is, so they continue emulating a.k.a. being derivative.

Many artists simply won’t and therefore don’t put in the work necessary to discover a unique artistic lane.

It’s a process.

in tune the only way out is throughThe only way out is through.

Many artists are simply too scared or private to dig down that deep and share their truth with a bunch of people they don’t know.


I get this by the way.


Most people, artists or not, are scared to discover their truth; even privately for themselves. This is a natural human reaction and quite frankly the willingness to share and be that exposed to the world is what makes real artists so special to all of us.

Real artists speak to our inner souls by being that uncovered, that raw.

Many artists are not in tune with the business side of music, so while they may be making something incredible, nobody is ever going to hear it which makes it impossible to fulfill a dream of being a professional at any level.

Follow me on this next metaphorical concept.

When I watch Kelly produce a vocal, it’s a work of art.

in tune Kelly and Rachel working on a vocal  I’m astounded.  I’ve learned from Kelly that what makes a killer vocal is not only the attention to big notes that everyone is drawn to (because it’s obvious and easy), rather the attention to the little, quick, passing tones and notes.  When those notes are in tune, and the artist is selling the lyrics that fall on those notes, the vocal soars with confidence.

It’s the difference between a mediocre vocal and a stellar vocal.



Think about that in terms of staying in tune with your whole artist experience.  If you only focus on the obvious stuff and overlook the crap you get bored with easily you are not in tune.


It’s attention to detail.

It’s the difference between a mediocre career and a stellar career.

Many artists are not in tune with the simple desire to constantly improve.in tune work hard stay humble

Some are lazy, and aren’t willing to do the necessary work.

Some are delusional, devoid of humility, and think they’re amazing.

Some are both.

They get ate up with glitz and glitter of their artist daydream and how they feel it should look rather than working on being better and accepting the fact that real life is never like you imagine it will be, artist or not.

If a situation or opportunity presents itself that isn’t consonant with the script in their daydream, it is shunned, ignored, forgotten, left to rot, with no action taken.

This is far too common of an occurrence.


The Spirit

in tune Mind Body Spirit cool logo

I see so many artists that are unfortunately spiritually broken.  Sadly, the uber-sensitive, spiritually-shattered artist is what typically makes compelling art.

But there is the search for your spiritual truth and spiritual peace.

There is an art to getting comfortable in your own skin.

This pursuit requires work as well.in tune LOVE YOURSELF


Work many of us are not willing to do.


There exists a delicate dance between a tortured past which has to be forgiven but never forgotten so one can function at the highest level in life, and the cathartic exercise of reliving the past, to write about it, which helps in processing the pain and hopefully healing.

The Body.



Just because it looks good doesn’t mean it’s in tune.

Just like everyone I fall off my workouts and slowly dip into lethargy like the proverbial frog in the pan where the water is slowly heated up.

Here’s the kicker, every time I get off my ass to get back to the gym I INSTANTLY feel better.

Yes maybe a little sore but my energy level immediately spikes and stays more consistent throughout the day.

I handle good stress better.

I handle bad stress better.

I drink less.

I eat better.

I feel better about the way I look and therefore immediately become more attractive.

That’s what we want right?

in tune law of attraction


To be more attractive?

More attractive to our fans.

More attractive to business prospects.

More attractive to our significant others.


What exactly are you doing to keep your mind in tune with your art?

What exactly are you doing to get your spirit in tune and settle your soul?

What exactly are you doing to get your body in tune?

I want y’all to think about that.


Stay in tune.


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