Tag Archive for: Henry Ford

Worth You're Worth it Pad paper

Have you ever met someone and been a little jealous or coveting of their art?  The truth is you are probably envious of their ability to “tap in” to themselves in a manner that you haven’t discovered yet.  They seem to control an instinctive ability to create at a higher level than you at that moment, which makes their art seem more valuable in some way; like it’s worth more.Worth jealous of stupid thinks

I assure you they are not superior to you and “level of  talent” has very little to do with their success.

They don’t possess some unique exceptional magical gift for creation. They have just worked more than you have at that particular moment; that’s what is upsetting.

They’re farther along in their artistic journey than you right now.

Trust me, you are no different than them. We’re all human beings.

Worth Vulnerable


They’re presently more vulnerable than you. At least they’re vulnerable enough artistically, to really feel, and therefore act, as if no matter what the outcome the journey was worth it.


This mindset creates the artistic courage we all find so intriguing, important, and attractive.



The good news is that you can learn to access that creative space too.

It’s not magic, man.


It’s a methodology, a work ethic, a process if you will.

It’s an internal articulation of what your short time on this Earth is supposed to be about coupled with enough crazy curiosity and pioneering passion to plow through, and ultimately survive, the initial learning curve.Worth Learning Curve

Every learning curve comes with humiliating self-conscious trauma (fear).

How do you deal with this inevitable misery?

Is it debilitating to you or is it an annoying speed bump on your journey?

John Lennon and Paul McCartney admittedly sucked at writing songs for “the first 50 or so” and then found their artistic groove together.

That happened after at LEAST 50 crappy songs.

How many have you written?

Worth Beatles Hamburg


Another Beatles fact is they embarked on many residencies in Hamburg, Germany at several clubs where they played 7 days a week, 8 hours a night.


I don’t care who you are, when you play that much you get better.

You get better at being musicians.Worth Get Better image

Your live show gets better.

You become professional.

You become a student of the game.



My version of Hamburg was club tours.  I did it for 7 years of my life. I can tell you a magical “swagger” happens with any act after they string 20 shows back to back.

We see it here in Nashville in the lower Broadway honkytonks.  We have seen many artists transform into consummate professionals in that grind.

Worth Lower Broadway Nashville


We literally have told artists who are about to experience their first month long tour that their lives are going to change forever. When they return from that tour they actually walk differently, carry themselves differently, and behave differently.


It really is a transformation.


They have earned the right to call themselves professionals.

Many of you are making excuses to yourselves right now as to why you can’t do it.

I got news for you, you’re right!

Worth whether you think you can or you can't you're right


Many of you reading this are getting PUMPED UP and motivated to find a way to win because you believe you can do it.

I got news for y’all too, you’re right!


Yes it’s a grind.

A necessary adventure in my opinion, because after going through something like that you really earn your perspective.

Most artists, and I really mean MOST artists don’t and won’t work that hard or that much on their careers. They are crippled with the conflict between life-pragmatism, hater’s voices, an understandable need for ROI (Return On Investment initially involving their time and then their money), and their ultimate dream to be a professional artist.


If the labor is worth the effort you will naturally work harder simply to satisfy an internal sense of wonder, excitement, or curiosity.Worth You are good enough believe it

Here’s the key, the work is only worth the effort if you believe that you’re worth it.




That one stings a little, huh?


Worth Henry Ford Too Many Men are afraid

Henry Ford had an 8th grade education and went bankrupt multiple times, so what?


Abraham Lincoln went bankrupt, so what?


Walt Disney went bankrupt too, so what?


 They believed their mission was worth all the suffering they had to endure along the journey.



Don Quixote believed in his heart and soul that the windmills were enemies.  He also truly believed, as crazy as it sounds, that HE was the man worthy enough to defeat them.


Artistic curiosity coupled with a consistent work ethic creates an atmosphere where artists discover themselves.

The reality is all your favorite artists were not born into this world being amazing artists.

Some of them had an incredible artistic talent, some of them had very mediocre talent. Some of you are thinking there are popular artists that have no talent; to which I say, “All the greater accomplishment”.

ALL of your favorite artists had to work hard at their art to become artists.


They sought and found help because they felt they were worth it.

So should you, and you’re worth it.Worth I was Born for this

They had to develop their lyric writing abilities.

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their melodic sensibilities.

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their vocal control and instrumental prowess.

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their live show.Worth it's not easy but its worth it

So do you, and you’re worth it.

They had to develop their business acumen.

So do you, and you’re worth it.


So who’s helping you?Worth Mentor Wanted

Worth Whose Helping you

Stay In Tune.



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Give Up Don't you dare FEATURE

Did you ever notice how we only see success as success?  When we are first exposed to someone successful we initially only think about their success, right?

We covet a little bit.Give Up The Struggle You Don't See

We become envious.

Unless we are exposed to all the details of a personal success story, we don’t see (and we’re usually not told) about the struggle that preceded the success. We weren’t told about how many times they didn’t give up.

Every success comes with mountains of struggle


mountain-landscape-640617_castle_peI have news for you, EVERY success comes with mountains of struggle, endless hurdles, obstacles overcome, bullets dodged, etc.  There is ALWAYS a back story rife with failure, heartbreak, doubt, fear, second thoughts, and the fact that they didn’t give up through any of it.

Bottom Line: I can guarantee you’ll fail if you don’t try again.  Nobody can guarantee failure if you don’t give up. So, it’s a scientific fact that you can win if you don’t give up, but you will definitely lose if you quit.

The only thing that is impossible is what you don’t try to achieve.Give up Don't You Are So Close

What’s the worst that could happen?

You have to try again?

So what?  It’s worth it, right?

This dream of yours isn’t going to be easy. Simply put, if it was easy everyone would be doing it.

Here Are 10 Reasons Not To Give Up

  1. It’s All About Talent AgainGive Up You Bring The Talent 2

    As terrestrial radio continues to become less effective at breaking acts in the marketplace, the big hype machine disappears with it.  The ability to break a non-talent into super-stardom is waning fast.  Future stars in the music business must be talented to get recognized.  Don’t give up. You have talent. Talent will win in the end.

  2. Pressure = Creation

    Necessity is the mother of invention.  You thrive on pressure even if you think you don’t.  You are stronger than you think.  Rick Rubin on several occasions (most notably Weezer’s “Beverly Hills” and Tom Petty’s “It’s Good To Be King”) would wait until a week or so before the scheduled recording sessions to tell an artist he didn’t think they had a single…just to see what the pressure would create.  Never give up. Pressure creates diamonds, I know it’s cliché but that doesn’t make it any less true.

  3. Failure

    Give Up Failure doesn't come from falling downYou need failure, believe it or not.  It’s what teaches you how to navigate your career better. Failure is what teaches you how to win. Remember, many failures precede all successes. Just ask Michael Jordan who was cut from his high school basketball team; he didn’t give up. Sheryl Crow got a major label deal and recorded her first album only to scrap it completely before it was released. Of course, she was then sued by her label; this was before Tuesday Night Music Club. She didn’t give up. Thomas Edison failed 2,000 times before he nailed the long-lasting incandescent light bulb. He didn’t give up.  Henry Ford went bankrupt multiple times before he invented the assembly line. he didn’t give up either.

  4. The Pursuit

    Life happens as you make your way toward your goal; enjoy it.  This time in your struggle, these are the moments that you will remember forever.  Again, I know it’s cliché, but think about it, success is not a destination, it is the journey.  Especially in the music business, man, you are either on your way up or on your way down, there is no plateau where “things calm down” and you relax. Don’t give up. You want to make a living being a creative, which means you’re always creating.

  5. You Are Strong Give Up Stay Strong

    You are stronger than you think.  You have the capability to understand the fact that your career is always full of challenges, so EXPECT them and eat them for breakfast.  Success will come when you resign yourself to dealing with these challenges as challenges, not excuses.  1, 10, or even 1,000 setbacks are not enough to stop you, so don’t give up.

  6. If You Give Up On Yourself Everyone Else Will Too

    Listen, ALL successful people have overcome incredible odds and unbelievable struggles to get where they are; you just aren’t aware of the back story.  These prosperous people deeply understand that success is a mindset.  They surround themselves with positive, like-minded people.  They view quitters as a cancer or an STD.  When you project negativity or a quitting vibe it pisses successful people off.  It pisses them off because it scares the shit out of them.  It scares them because they KNOW failure is just 1 negative thought away.  Don’t give up.

  7. There Is No Overnight Success

    No great thing was created overnight.  Many years of work went into every success before it ever came to your attention. Don’t be naive. Don’t give up.

  8. You’re Just A Few Tweaks Away

    Sometimes a few tweaks and adjustments to a plan are all that it takes to make a giant leap forward.  We lost $8,000 on my band’s first tour because I didn’t know what I was doing.  A few tweaks coupled with a clearer understanding of the game, and our second touring experience had us making a living on ½ the gross revenue! Don’t give up. I failed first, learned, and then got better; you can too.

  9. You Can Change The Industry ForeverGive Up The Struggle Your in today

    Make your dent, man.  Florida Georgia Line had the BEST songwriters in town and a proven KILLER producer behind their project.  All the record labels still said “NO” because FL/GA Line was too different.  They went to Satellite radio where “Cruise” became a smash hit, and after a little tour, they sold 100,000 downloads.  Then every label that said “NO” was saying “YES”.  The record, the production, the band, the sound, and the songs didn’t change.  The only thing that changed was the perception. They didn’t give up when everyone said no. Don’t give up.

  10. Let the Haters Hate

    The more you succeed the more haters you will have.  Think of them like little trophies, assuming you’re not a douchebag it means you’re doing something right.  Don’t give up.

Give Up Do It For The People Who Want To See You Fail


Give Up It's hard to wait for something that may never happen


Give Up You Can't Go A Day Without Thinking About









Give Up You Are the creator of your own destiny


PS: If you haven’t already downloaded my PDF, Whoever Owns The Traffic, Rules The Road, you’re missing out on core information that will help you start asking the right questions about how to dominate in the new music industry. Go to GiftFromJohnny.com put in your name and tell us where to send it.