Tag Archive for: Loyal Fan Base

Why are we so afraid of a challenge? Why do we lose sleep over the thought of pending adversity?Adversity Trouble Ahead


If you’re familiar with me it’s easy to see my attraction and fascination with Gary Vaynerchuk. We think similarly and have similar tone (at least that’s what I choose to believe). Gary has a regular YouTube show called “#AskGaryVeeShow” where he shares his insights by responding to real questions from real people. In this particular episode, Gary interviews the amazing “people builder” Eric Thomas. Both Gary and Eric are the epitome of what can happen to a person after they learn to embrace adversity.


I want you to win, whatever that means for you.


Adversity Gary Vee and Eric Thomas RESIZED


Here are my takeaways from this incredibly insightful exchange.



Adversity 95%


This is what’s lost on most people. I’ll put it another way, most people talk shit.


There it is, plain and simple.



95% of you talk shit and you won’t ever do anything about it for a host of really good reasons/excuses.


It doesn’t matter how much talent you have, it doesn’t matter how good you are or how well intentioned your cause is, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is going to happen until you execute.


Adversity Grind


Everybody has to wake up and grind to make it happen.




Later in the episode, Gary speaks about a controversial sign that he has hanging in office somewhere that reads, “Ideas Are Shit”.  The full statement should actually read, “Ideas Are Shit Until You Execute Them” but he purposefully omits the end part because he wants to get people thinking. He wants to piss them off.


I like that.

Adversity Ideas Are Shit


Every single one us was NOT born with all the mental tools, education, strategies, and methodologies we need to achieve our dreams. We have to become seekers and find the answers.




All too often we pride ourselves on “making it alone” and forsake real education that would speed our process up.


How do you grind?


Answer: You have to learn.


Adversity Frowny Face

Most of you won’t begin to learn. You’ll continue to talk shit and do what you’ve always done only to grow more and more frustrated having to endure the same results until the dream eventually dies within you.


That’s the definition of crazy.



Most of you, for whatever reason, thrive on the drama of it all rather than grinding or cracking the code to learn how to work more effectively, intelligently, and efficiently.


There’s places to learn. Go find them and pay for your education. It’ll change your life. So what if you get burned once or twice by paying a little money for knowledge that you feel wasn’t worth it in the end. You’ll learn to distinguish the good from the bad quickly. Don’t let the fear of losing a couple hundred bucks be the reason you learn nothing and stay stagnant.


That would be silly.

Adversity Hair

What price can you put on information that will inspire you to create momentum in your career? Sheesh.




False bravado, hype, and an overblown, misleading image of success doesn’t make you successful. In fact, it’s a turn off on social media.

Adversity Rapper


This behavior is prevalent with all human beings in all walks of life including artists. I see it in country music artists, rock artists, and especially rap artists.


Why do we do this?


Answer: Because we want people to love us.




We want them to believe we’re bigger than we are because we feel that will trigger a mechanism in their brain that will make them like us.


This approach is naïve though. Gary gives some great advice and I’ll share it with you because it’s EXACTLY what we preach here at Daredevil Production.


If you want to seriously build a rabid fan base you have to grind and get one person to like you every day.


How do you do that?

Adversity LIKE


Answer: You like them first.



Go to Twitter.com/search and find the community that is inclined to love your music. For instance, if you’re a rapper and you think your style is similar to Future’s style, go find that community. In other words, you believe that Future’s fans will love your style too. Search for #Future and get in on the conversations and tweet exchanges.


Adveristy Twitter Search RESIZED

“Yes, I love that track!”


“Man, that hook is crazy, I love it too.”


You’ll start making friends.


I dare you to commit to doing this for 30 minutes a day for 7 days. Free advice that will create results but only if you execute.


C’mon, what do you have to lose?


We all want our respective communities to love us.

Adversity Love The Community First

If you want the community to love you, love the community first.


You’d be amazed at how deep you can make a relationship with just a 3-4 tweets. Find out about them and they’ll worship you for it.


That means asking questions.


One per day.


If you GRIND this strategy longer than a week, say one year later, you’ll look back and see some serious momentum. They’ll be DIFFERENT results. You’ll be happy, I promise.


This leads us swimmingly into the next takeaway.




Adversity Patience Truth Puzzle


This takes time, y’all.



Once you dig in and begin recording, and marketing your actual truth, you’re not going to see results in a week or two.


Not in 6 months.


Not in 1 year.


This reality will test your EQ.

Adversity Patience Truth Puzzle





Yes, I.Q. is intelligence quotient.  E.Q. is emotional quotient.


E.Q. is essential to every success; I.Q. is not.


If the opposite was true, we wouldn’t have any famous crappy, untalented artists.


Ask Gary Vee Book

I loved this comment from Gary and I think about this all the time when I think about y’all.


I think about the people who quit and wonder if they gave up right before they were about to happen.



Gary asks, “What if when you die, you meet God and he says that he wants to show you something? Then he shows you that you quit on March 19th, 2016 and you were about to happen on April 7th.” [paraphrasing]




Adversity is how we make ourselves great.




Adversity comes in many forms like racism, prejudice, sibling rivalry, bullying, personal tragedy, etc.



Gary’s family fled Eastern Europe because they were Jewish and the Jews were constantly persecuted. Both his grandfathers were jailed because they were Jewish.


Gary had zero relationship with his father.


Eric Thomas is a black man from the Detroit ghetto. He came from NOTHING. He started his now lucrative business on “zero cents” as he mentions at the beginning of the interview.


Eric had zero relationship with his father until he was 30 years old, (if my memory serves me correctly).


This is real adversity and you have your own to deal with don’t you?


Adversity Stick Up

We all do!


Don’t dread it. Embrace it.




Expect the adversity and eat it for breakfast because it never stops.


Here’s what adversity does to motivate a person:


  • Creates confidence. You prove to yourself that you’re stronger than you think and you can handle anything.
  • Removes the fear of adversity. This sounds obvious and maybe silly but until you’ve kicked a little bootie you’re never really sure you can.


It’s no secret that all successful artists and people have overcome a truckload of adversity.


The ones who use it as an excuse are the “95 percenters” who live in drama and don’t make a living doing something they love to do.


They suffer.Adversity Fear


Listen, just by committing to WORK and GRIND you put yourself in a very small club of 5% of all the players. Those are much better odds; don’t you think?




Thoughts are things. For real.


One day two dudes sat on the bank of the Hudson River in New York City and thought, “Let’s build a bridge from Manhattan island to Brooklyn.” They thought it up, THEY EXECUTED THE PLAN, and it was the longest bridge ever built at the time. First bridge ever that was so long they had to mathematically account for the curvature of the Earth to get the ends to meet the ground.

Adversity Brooklyn Bridge

You have to mentally commit to something first before it can happen in reality.



Gary just started a sports agency to represent top tier athletes going into pro sports. I thought it was interesting that he asks every prospective client the same question. “When was the moment you realized you could be a pro?”


They would answer with responses articulating one specific game, one play, or a close friend who went pro and they used to school that friend in practices so they thought, “If he can do I can definitely do it.


The takeaway for me came when Gary shared the behavior change that accompanies the epiphany.


Gary says [again, paraphrasing], “The moment they mentally believe they can be pro, their behavior changes. They work out more, they eat better, they go from 6 girlfriends down to one, they become much more focused.”

Adversity Believe In Yourself


I see the same thing happen with artists.


I want to see this happen with you.


Adversity is your friend so stop bitching about it. These 2 dudes came from nothing. These 2 dudes have overcome prejudice, racism, inadequate familial relationships, zero money, crappy support systems, and the ghetto to make a living doing something that turns them on.


You can too.


It’s just a state of mind, man.










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