Are You Working Really Hard But Feeling Completely Frustrated?
For one to be rich, someone else must be poor.
Money is the root of all evil.
Wealth is like a pie. Because the top 1% have 90% of the pie the rest of us must survive on the crumbs.
These implicit beliefs have us thinking that if we make a profit, we are making someone else poor because there is only so much to go around.
These implicit beliefs have us thinking that we can’t get what we want without getting it from the 1%.
FYI, the word “implicit†means this is a belief that hasn’t been quantified or proven in any way.
But the truth is quite the opposite. Wealth and power are abundant. Quite abundant.
Just because you haven’t experienced them doesn’t mean there scarce in any way, shape, or form. Rather it means that you haven’t figured it out yet.
In fact, the 99% hasn’t figured it out. The 99% choose to believe these cockamamie urban legends. All of the 99% are held down by these beliefs, not the “man†or their situation. Some are held back and will stay stagnant simply because they don’t honestly believe they have a chance. They don’t imagine they can do anything great because deep down inside, they believe that they deserve to be poor. Some are just lazy and use these tall tales to justify their lack of motivation and execution as well as their unhappy outcome.
It’s always easier to blame someone else than it is to have faith in yourself.
It’s easy to say you can’t do it because you have no money.
Yes, a lack of capital provides some stout challenges along anyone’s journey to be sure.
But, there are PLENTY of iconic artists, influential business people and Presidents like Bill Clinton who have come from utter poverty to reach their full potential.
Therefore, these monetary challenges are just that; challenges. These speed bumps don’t define your success or lack thereof unless you allow them to.
It’s easy to say that you can’t do it because of racism.
Yes, there are plenty of idiots in the world, sadly this is a fact. There have been throngs of different races that have been oppressed, enslaved, and exterminated over just the last 100 years. This is also a fact.
But despite all the very real racial issues in the United States, for instance, we just had a 2-term black President. We have many highly-paid and influential minority actors, artists, business executives, community leaders, and good, honest people who make successful livings and raise their families.
Many of these amazing people had to overcome racism and poverty!
Therefore, racism is as big of a blockade as you choose to make it.
It’s all about how you think about it, not about the reality.
After all, this is how the United States got started in the first place. Our forefathers were extremely unhappy and chose to believe there was a better life out there. All they had to do was go and get it.
Their reality was oppressive enough to risk their lives and the lives of their children to change it.
But they decided to change it because they believed they could do better. The other option would have been to blame the monarchy for their lot in life and do nothing.
Get it?
We are all held down only for as long as we believe these crappy stories. There are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of success stories from the poorest, most oppressed people in history. These success stories ALL START WITH the epiphany that the oppressed have an opportunity and a truckload of hurdles to overcome… just like everyone else. The epiphany in these cases marks the end of the blame game. They choose to take responsibility for their own lives and craft a reality with whatever wealth and power suit them.
They choose to believe it’s out there for them and they can get it by focusing on what they have instead of what they don’t have.
Isn’t that interesting?
The second that you begin to compare the real challenges along your journey to the perceived ease of someone else’s journey, you’ve lost.
This is clear proof that Sun Tzu was right, “Every battle is either won or lost before it is fought.â€
Did you think about how so many of the wealthy and powerful people came from nothing or do you just focus on their wealth and power which you don’t have yet?
Did you ever wonder how those souls somehow managed to climb out of the most impoverished circumstances growing up to run multi-million dollar businesses and even countries?
Why them and not you?
The reality is they’re living breathing proof that the poor can become rich.
Don’t they prove every day that the 99% can rise to enter the 1% if they want to?
Doesn’t every poor person, minorities and majorities included, who creates real wealth bust the myth that the 1% is a “closed club�
So, it’s a choice everyone makes. Either they move forward and succeed by taking responsibility for all their life’s potholes or they choose to give up and blame “the manâ€.
Here’s a factual reality. This is a list of every country’s GDP growth (or lack thereof) last year. In the United States, our Gross Domestic Product grew 1.6%. This is your proof that the “pie†got BIGGER. There’s plenty of room for you too. When you think in terms of trillions of dollars, 1.6% is an ASTOUNDING amount of room. If the reality was that money was finite there would be no growth in the GDP of any country. The rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer with the exact same amount of total money.
There are certain groups of people who believe that being rich and powerful is bad. They believe that somehow wealth and power means you’re horrible, bad, evil, and therefore oppressing others.
This belief was created by the have-nots as an excuse for their lot in life. Can you see that?
The reality is quite the opposite. The wealthy have many businesses which employ many people so instead of oppressing them, they’re employing them. Giving them a job and a way of life. A way to put food on the table and put their kids through college.
How is that bad?
Isn’t it funny how these beliefs can cloud our perspective?
Mother Teresa was sainted by the Catholic Church shortly after her death. She was called “The saint of the guttersâ€, she gave hundreds of thousands of hugs to the poorest people in India, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
But that’s all she had to give, bless her heart.
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and famous multi-billionaire literally wiped out a handful of diseases and saved millions of lives in Africa with one check.
One check from an evil rich guy changed millions of lives. I’m not taking anything away from Mother Teresa because she gave her heart and soul to providing comfort to the sick and downtrodden. But she didn’t cure any diseases. She didn’t have anything to give these people to save their lives. I’m sure she would’ve if she had it, but she didn’t have it to give.
How do you think about this issue?
Some of you despise the rich and powerful so much you believe that they should spread their wealth around giving “back†to the poor as if they stole from them to get rich in the first place. You want them to pay the masses in the form of a donation, tax, or government redistribution of wealth.
They all do but you don’t hear about it on TV because that news doesn’t sell ads.
Can you clearly see how this line of thinking is subconsciously fostering the idea that there is only so much to go around? If there is a finite amount of wealth, the only way the poor people are going to get theirs is if the wealthy share it.
But if wealth is abundant, the poor can get theirs on their own.
To be clear, there are plenty of wealthy and poor alike who share their money and their far more valuable time. I’m not making an argument as to whether anyone should or shouldn’t share or “give backâ€.
I am challenging the way you think about these concepts and where wealth must come from.
You give because you have a big heart. You want to see others succeed and move up in society. But we’ve all given too much at times to someone who simply isn’t interested in moving up, only taking.
Therefore, how we think about opportunity, wealth, power, and success is the determining factor to a life’s transformation. It’s not about the opportunities. If it was just about getting opportunities and/or money, your taking friend would’ve transformed. But he or she didn’t step up and just remember how heartbreaking that was for you.
We are humans and as such we are a product of the information we receive. This is exactly why battered wives and abused children think they’re worthless.
It’s because that’s what they’ve been told. It is a psychological fact that if you’re told something enough, it becomes a reality, a truth in your mind. A lie told 7 times by the liar becomes truth in the liar’s mind.
Sadly, there are some countries where accessing the information necessary to transform a life for the better is practically impossible. These are the real victims of the world. They’re being oppressed by their government and the only way to change it is to literally risk their lives and the lives of their families.
But if you’re reading this article, you have choices. You have access to information. You have the ability to seek out knowledge and learn how to think. That was what University was supposed to be about in the first place, teaching us how to think.
We all can change the narrative in our minds. We can all become “successful†whatever you deem that word to mean.
True happiness and personal success start with learning how to think, people.
Happiness, wealth, and power are quite abundant in our world. Achievable by all who figure out that the only one standing in our way is us.
P.S. When we do figure that out, it’s a constant battle because we’re always in our own way. The self-awareness helps us to put our energy towards the real problem, but it never goes away.
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